The Harrowgate Scandal Military Conflict in Chronologium | World Anvil
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The Harrowgate Scandal

Also known by many other names, including The War of Fang and Blood, The Harrogate or Aldgate incident.
The Harrowgate Scandal was a conflict between two different racial groups, the Lycanthropes and the Vampires. Those two groups have, since time immemorial, been quarreling with each other. In UK, though, things had been rather calm since the World Wars, but in 2005 the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse and the old animosities lit up.
It all began in a spa town of Harrogate, in North Yorkshire, where a vampire man was accused of killing a young girl from a local clan of lycanthropes, The Stray Clan. The Vampire in question, Urien, claimed his innocence, but the clan thought otherwise and manhunt became, which quickly escalated into a full-blown war between the two groups, shaking the whole country and taking the capital city of London by surprise. Some other factions joined in and there were the ingredients for a full-blown civil war, but only through masterful and tactical diplomatic negotiations by The Royal Society Publishing as a mediator and largest call to action since WW2 among the Society, were the issues settled and the majority of culprits caught and sentenced accordingly.

It took a few years for the relationship between the lycanthropes and the vampires to return to somewhat normal; Nowadays they usually get along.

The Conflict


It began as a manhunt in North Yorkshire, but spread to London when the fugitive Urien plead for help and eventually was helped to get to the court of Vampire Queen Lavinia. The murder of the young girl from The Stray Clan clan happened on February 19th in 2005 and the fighting culminated into the 7 July 2005 London bombings, The Royal Society Publishing had a great role in minimizing the damage of the bombings and the previous war. The Bombings were the most visible part of the conflict to the 'ordinary folk'.
Start Date
February 19th in 2005
Ending Date
The fighting began to die after the July 7th bombings in 2005


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