Disonia Organization in Disonia | World Anvil
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Disonia is the continent in the place of the Indian Ocean that is made up of sixteen countries: Ankiran, Apuratul, Chuton, Dascery, Farrell, Forrestial, Hattensburmem, Huntun, Julio, Kalask, Langley, Mystro, Saturn, Valtera, Willowdew, and Zodomondo. Disonia operates as a whole and the country representatives act almost as the president of the United States according to outside sources.   The DUIC, or Disonian Unified Investigation Certified, keeps certain aspects of Disonia from the outside world in order to prevent "chaos and destruction from both the inside and outside world as a whole". They keep things such as:
  • Chronomagic
  • Soren's Encrypted Language (Public)
  • Aspects of Eralinity


Depending on the country, there are representatives for each country. Those representatives form a council to properly handle Disonia. Willowdew is the only country in Disonia that still follows a monarchy, so the representative follows monarchy rules. Since the Ankiran rulers are all immortal, they switch between being representatives for Ankiran every 4 years.
Founding Date
July 2nd, 1500
Geopolitical, Settlement
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Ethnicities

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