Beilee Species in Edith | World Anvil
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Beilee are a variety of small island bird found and raised in the Southern Islands. These birds have historically been used for carrying messages, finding lost dredgers, and reading for sea storms. The Beilee have been used among the islands for as long as the records carry.


Before the rise of the central countries of the continent, when the island nations stood alone and independent, the Beilee were used by the islanders to speak with other islands, to speak with those on voyages, and to direct those who had struck out on their own to new islands. Many island myths that tell tales of how the humans came to inhabit Mer territory tell of ships led into the mist by the Beilee. They tell of Beilee choosing chosen sailors to lead out for the wealth of the new island nations. While the idea of the Beilee choosing chosen ones is largely mythical, the temperament of the small bird does lead them to bond to humans they favor, and a single Beilee can bond with a human for their whole lives, always returning to them as home by some instinct.

Since the island nations pledged loyalty to Moonwin, the voyages to new islands have slowed, if not all-together stopped. The island leadership now use Beilees to carry letters and negotiations with Moonwin officials. Some higher-ups in Moonwin and surrounding countries have even come to favor the bird and raise them for their own correspondence and as pets. The islands have also used the birds on fishing and dredging ships. The birds have shown a skill for recognizing the sea storms that often form in moments, and are also good at finding ships that have been lost. If a ship does not come into harbor within their designated time, it is standard to send out one of the sailor's Beilee to find them and lead a rescue. Most sailors and dredgers have more than one bonded Beilee, allowing them to take one with them and leave one at home, allowing for a bird to be sent if a catch to large for the boat is collected and help is needed to bring it in, and for a bird to be sent to find them if they don't return home in time. Dredgers find even more importance in the Beilee, as their navigational capabilities have proven useful for keeping track of lucrative dive spots.

Notable Physical Characteristics

  • Red/yellow/orange feathering
  • Tall head feathers
  • Long tail feathers
  • Four-toed feet
  • Between the size of a plum and a pear
  • Black beaks

Main Uses

  • Navigation for sailors
  • Storm recognition and warning
  • Message couriers
  • Rescue leads

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