Bakal Letter to King Coalhand Document in Elios | World Anvil
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Bakal Letter to King Coalhand

"Dorgesh, get this shipment to the Great Hall at once!! Do not stop for anything, our very lives depend on you!" -Nurmof Gearhead; Gnome Tinkerer for the Blackrock Mining Company


This letter, along with a wagon shipment of supplies, explains a new discovery made while mining in the Dragon Spire Mountains by the Blackrock Mining Group.

Historical Details


While mining in the Dragon Spire Mountains, the miners of the Blackrock Mining Group discovered a new ore, that they called Bakal. They spent weeks working the new material and had just began loading their samples for the King when a group of adventurers arrived in the camp. This seemed to be a good omen since they were in need of some, more expendable, people to help clear the mine of giant spider. No one knew what exactly went on down in those tunnels, but about an hour later there was a huge explosion deep inside and the only thing that escaped the tunnel was dust and debris. While most of the camp was trying to rescue any survivors from the tunnels, the adventurers had found their way out unseen and stole the wagon of goods. (This was more of a get away attempt than anything else. They had no idea what they had until daylight when they finally stopped to catch their breaths).
Text, Letter
Authoring Date
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