The Emerald Wilds Geographic Location in Erilar | World Anvil

The Emerald Wilds

The Emerald Wilds is a large forest located in the north of the continent of @zaccan. It is a lush area filled with a diverse range of flora and fauna. The area is recognised as it's own nation as there are many elves and Firbolgs that call the area home.


The forest takes up 95% of the area that's within the territory of the Emerald Wilds. Under the canopy are softly rolling hills with a few larger elevations dotted around. As the forest floor is so uneven, the hills tend to blend in with the rest of the surroundings.   Most small towns and villages within the Emerald Wilds are made up mostly of Wood Elves, with Firbolgs and Forest Gnomes taking up most of the minority groups while some outsider races do occasionally make appearances from time to time.

Fauna & Flora

Elves, Firbolgs, insects, rodents, deer, bears, mythical creatures, dragons, fae

Natural Resources

flowers, trees wood, magical energy


The forest that makes up most of the Emerald Wilds are ancient and magical. There are rumours of the forest having pockets of and gateways to the Faewild  , and as such, it is theorised that this is where the elves originated from. As the elves left the forest ,they gradually became high elves, while those who stayed behind became wood elves.


Tourism is not something that happens a lot in the Emerald Wilds. Due to tales of the The Faesnatched, not many people are willing to venture deep into the forest in fears of being abducted by the fae. Those who do visit and make it back out of the deep forest marvel at its natural splendour.
Alternative Name(s)
The Elven Forest, The Deep Wood
Forest, Cloud / Water (Subtropical)