Exhibition of Origins Reve Geographic Location in Esporia | World Anvil
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Exhibition of Origins Reve

This is a place where your finding turned into perpetual exhibit.
-Origins Botanist

Display of unique findings

  Reve act as a museum for Aranama resident. Not only it showcase some of the exquisite fossil plants from Earth but it also function as a living place for the plants to grow and thrive. Series of transparent glass planted adjacent to each other with optimized temperature and artificial soil as a substitute to grow and at least keeping this plants thrive for the next couple of years.  

Earth Native Flora

  Tulip is one of the common plants that can be found around Earth when it was brimming with life. This tulip can be cross breed as well to get more variety of coloration. Not to mention, tulips are often used as a school projects on many of Aranama Schools. Since it could teach the kids sense of responsibility to take care of one single plant in the span of one month.  

Earth Agricultural Flora

  Sunflower is one of the many flower that's been planted on the exhibit. The vivid coloration from sunflower instantly brighten the room with blast of yellow.   Cosmos Herbal Leaf also one of the common edible leaf that's been cultivated around the exhibit. Due to its healing property, this leaf could be eaten raw after you rinse it with clean water or it could be boiled as a tea leaves.  

Aranama Venture Flora

  These section is dedicated for Aranama flora findings. So far, Aranama encounter one plant that resemble a cactus. This cactus morphed into spiral-like pattern and not only that. Both of its stem and areoles also mimic the spiral pattern. It is mesmerizing to look at and that's why this plant is here.

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