Can-do Species in Ethnis | World Anvil


Can-do is a colloquial term for a species of uplifted ferret-like creatures that have been cybernetically enhanced. They understand most mecha technology, and have a natural drive to maintain and repair whatever they can find.

They are responsible for much of the maintence undergone of the Junkberg Bermuda, but there are downsides. Parts brought aboard go missing, used to repair systems unknown to the crew. On top of that, the Can-do's are emotional creatures, and there are rumors that the Can-do's are not as happy in their postition as they once were. That would not be good, considering they keep the Junkberg Bermuda floating.

The moment we locked with the ship, and the airlock door hissed open a little six-legged blur zipped by our feet and into our ship. They went straight for the walls, they chittered and leaped about the bulkhead with excitement. Two found their way right into the vents, another pair went right for the navigation control panels.

I considered shutting the door, but the gate guard who looked in seemed unplussed, so I followed suit.

"Yeh don't worry about them. They just like to play and repair, and it's active time for 'em. Call 'em Can-dos 'round here." He explained with amusement.

I watched one unscrew a panel beneath the navigation console letting the other inside. The little critters took it apart and cleaned it like it had lived in the ship all its life. It was cute in a way, but I get nervous around anything poking around my ship.


Little Mechanics

In the age of wayships, technical maintenance is a grave concern. It is a long and arduous process to have a Wayship repaired, especially if a breakdown occurs within the WayHall. In-flight maintenance became a profitable problem to solve, and the ValuSelu Pact would find an unexpected solution that did not even originate on its native planet of Jhoutai.

Ferrets were an oddity to the Aen when they first encountered Eden. Tiny little mustelids with insatiable curiosity, tamability, and personality. The pet trade for these little creatures boomed between Jhoutai and Eden.

As with anything an Aen takes an interest in, the experiments will start soon after. The Can-dos were another element brought to life by Aen curiosity.

As technology advanced, and uplifting became a more known procedure, some Aen engineers attempted to solve the Wayship maintence problem by creating a new subspecies of Ferret.

Their bodies were spliced with mecha technology, derived from the GearHeart modifications and uplifted to an intellgience similar of dogs. The resulting species became known colloquially as the "Can-Do." Intelligent, capable, and small enough to fit in and repair places that could take an entire specialized team to take care of normally.

The Uplift Issue

One concern of the Can-dos is their natural and genetic uplifting. Uplifting any creature introduces a risk to encounter The Uplift Drop, in order to help alleviate this, most Can-dos are raised to be used to their duties and are given a basic Akjhe that provides satisfaction for doing repair work.


Can-dos are a social species, both with each other and the Sophont they cohabitate with. It is normal for those living aboard the ship to leave meals or at least scrap at their door for passing Can-dos to feast upon.

Some people take Can-dos as 'pets', caring for individuals or families both.

Mecha-clad Companions

Can-dos are a rare thing to so in the rest of the universe. Over 80% of the population of these creatures are aboard the Junkberg Bermuda. Their numbers are growing, with some Can-do's finding new parties to join or ships to sneak on to.

They have a quick lifespan, and mating pairs not aboard the Junkberg are few and far between.

Mini-Meat Eaters

A Can-do is a Ferret, and has a diet similar to that of a Ferret; lots of meat. Aboard the Junkberg Bermuda, meats both Synthetic or Organic, are highly sought after. Most Can-dos are perfectly content to survive off Ration Grubs, insects, and vermin within the ship.

Fur and Metal

The Ferret that is the evolutionary base of the Can-Do is an Aen sub-variety. Strong grips, opposable thumbs, and longer arms help this sub-variety of Ferret interact with more objects.

When the Can-dos were created, they were implanted with many mecha toosl. On their chest, a pair interactive ports for working with computers and other diagnostic equipment.

While working they appear to be wearing a 'vest', with basic tools strapped to their torso by magnetic fastening or pockets beneath the fur.

War Dances and Heirarchy

Can-dos are a very social species, with the later generations even showing basic lingual skills. While they can not respond, they will many times use a Ferret War Dance to communicate their concerns or grab a Sophonts attention.

This War Dance is also seen occuring between Can-dos, they do not seem to have a heirarchy within themselves, but commonly team up or swarm to tackle large projects.

The Uplift

Can-dos are genetically uplifted creatures, with the intelligence comparable to that of the modern day Dog. There are rumors that some Can-dos are more intelligent than others, but there has been no evidence of such a specimen yet.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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