Faraketh Forest Geographic Location in Eveller | World Anvil
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Faraketh Forest

Faraketh forest is a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs. It runs along the western coastline of Fedhera which is estimated at 695 miles from the Bezantheram Range to Fidhern. Its full area has not been measured by humans due to the dangers involved. The land is considered to be part of Rammarvijk but is largely unsettled and deemed uninhabitable.    

Flora and Fauna

  Faraketh forest is hugely varied due to the different elements that affect it. With a variety of climate, from the highlands of the north to the saltwater marshes in the south, there is a habitat for everyone. The high concentration of Gógari, however, makes it an unideal location to be human.  

Imemi and Amaris

Imemi is a type of orchid that flourishes in the cracks and crevices of the feet of the mountains. They can be found as high as Rammarvijk city (about 2,000 feet) and as low as the Vijk (about 200 feet above sea level). The orchid is easily identified by its vividly red flowers that hang from ledges on long, slender stems.   One of this flower's major pollinators are Amaris moths who feed almost solely on the nectar of the orchid. Amaris moths are a deep purplish red and cocoon in strong, ductile silk which humans farm to make clothing.  

The Vijk

  The Vijk is is largest freshwater lake on the continent and is home to more than 73 different kinds of fish, 35 kinds of amphibians, 86 kinds of reptiles and 530 different kinds of birds.  

Vijk Mussels

The most notable denizens of the Vijk are the freshwater mussels. These live in the sandy shallows of the eastern bank. They have deep blue shells which can be ground to a vibrant blue pigment. Their flesh is a pale yellow that deepens to amber when cooked. Vijk mussels are commonly served boiled with rice and watercress. They produce a very low quality of freshwater pearls which are not worthy of farming.  

Ire's Coast

  Few humans ever make it to the coast of Fedhera, but those who do return with reports of impassable cliffs, vicious storms, and Lightning Eaters. Due to the frequency and intensity of the storms from Mirenerel's Ire only the hardiest of life-forms can survive there.  

Silk Rabbits

These rabbits are especially known for their slick, silky fur, red eyes and morbidly pointed fangs. Due to their appearance many have suggested that they are Gógari, but they are not magical in nature. They thrive on the dangerous coast through burring under the roots of decimated trees, and feeding on the various hardy grasses and shrubs. Their fangs are used as a defence against their main predator: the sand fox.  

The Fenfadale

  The Fenfadale lies at the southernmost tip of Faraketh. It is popularly known as the only humanly habitable part of Faraketh, but barely. Its stagnant freshwater pools provides the perfect conditions for beautiful lotus blossoms, spicy ginger and 12 different kinds of cypress and willow.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

Gógari Territories

  The greatest challenge in taming Faraketh is that the majority lies in the possession of various and malicious Gógari. Their presence is a menace to humanity. Despite several attempts during the Purge Era to cull the population, the demons flourish.  


In the northern areas of Faraketh forest one can find large groves of fruit-bearing bushes such as blackberries, raspberry, hawthorn and buckthorn. These groves are often dominated by a type of Gógari, called Bramblers, and used as traps for mammals. The mammal is lured in by succulent berries, but as soon as the thorns taste blood the vines traps their prey. The victim is not eaten but are bled. The warmth and decay from their corpses feeds the bushes and maintains a mild temperature even in the colder regions.  

Drowners and Weepers

A common danger with a lot of fresh waterways are Drowners and Weepers. Both are a type of Gógari who claim rivers, lakes, and pools as their territory. They feed on misery and despair and are often drawn to open displays of grief.   Weepers often appear on the water banks as beautiful young women. They cry and wail openly to draw the sympathy of humans, but these rarely leave the arms of Weepers alive.   Drowners can be more frightening in their appearance. They live in the water and are more drawn to the weeping of others. A common lure is a particularly beautiful lotus blossom just out of reach of the bank. They sense grief and loneliness and are skilled at convincing humans that there is nothing left in the world to live for.

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