Durzakul (sym. ‘dark shard caller’) Spikedrahk Item in Faelon | World Anvil

Durzakul (sym. ‘dark shard caller’) Spikedrahk

----- Tales spoken across the steppes recount the rise of Proxuk Krang who became Proxuk Ash in the far north of the Grular Khanate. The usurper's path to power was greeted with uncertainty, but his proven fealty to the Khai'zash won him a certain measure of trust. The Khai'zash, heeding the words of his councilors, determined that he must test Proxuk Ash. "Master the zakerlash, Proxuk Ash, and earn your turn at the Trials of Bahkad." In making this promise, the Khai'zash both proved Proxuk's loyalty and removed him as an immediate threat to his rule. Should Proxuk return, the Trials would validate his standing as Ash as well as delay any attempts to overthrow the Khai'zash. It is not clear what actually happened during the year of Proxuk's absence. Some say he found his way to the spirit realm and wrestled a zakerlash into submission. Others say a warlock summoned the creature and taught Proxuk dark magics necessary to keep it under his control. A few paid dearly for claiming that his ability to summon a zakerlash was merely an illusion, a trick of the eye. When Proxuk Ash returned, his reception with the Khai'zash was delayed. Several Ash and Kor-khan gathered in hopes of seeing his humiliation. No warrior would dare step before the Khai'zash having not fulfilled their task. No one had seen a zakerlash nor a warlock traveling at his side. "Proxuk, do you approach your Khai'zash to claim your prize?" The gathered Grular whispered, muttered, and gambled as they chuckled at what was to come. "Honor to Khai'zash." Proxuk paused until he was bid to continue. "I wish to present to you the zakerlash as you commanded." The blade he drew was jagged and dark, resembling more a poorly hewn rod of obsidian than a sword. The laughter in the crowd subsided as Proxuk used both hands to drive the blade into the ground, clearly cutting into the stone floor. His body seemed to shimmer. Had he more arms, he might be mistaken for a Skethar he was so difficult to see. From the hole made by the blade, a shadowy fog began to arise, wrapping around the blade and, then, around Proxuk's wavering visage. The fog enveloped Proxuk completely before taking on the form of a massive, crystalline shaped beast. The newly solid figure of a zakerlash took a step towards the Khai'zash There was only silence as Proxuk, left standing alone behind this beast of shadow and substance, spoke. "My Khai'zash, are you pleased? Or shall I prove his mettle against one of your strongest, should they overcome their trembling knees?" "Usurper!" Khurtash, a renowned warrior stepped forth, weapon drawn. "You dare to entertain yourself with this foolishness?" When his spikedrakh found purchase, his eyes opened wide. Was it from fear as   he realized that this creature was no illusion or was it the sudden understanding that he was not prepared for the large, rocky fist coming down on his skull? As the limp body of Khurtash crumpled to the ground, the zakerlash turned to Proxuk, lowered its head in obeisance, and faded back into the blade. Proxuk pulled the weapon from the ground. Resting it across his palms, he held it up as he stepped over Khurtash's form and approached his liege. "Honor to Khai'zash." ----- Durzakul is a spikedrakh with a blade that looks as if it has been peeled from the body of the beast for which it is named. It is surprisingly lighter than its form would suggest. The combination of the Deadly attribute of a normal spikedrakh and the Bonecrusher effect of the zakerlash combine to make this a formidable weapon: Durzakul: Spikedrakh d9 deadly Durzakul can be used to cast Summon Zakerlash once per game. This casting is automatic and treated as if the wielder had rolled a ‘7’ for its casting roll. Employing this ability uses no power to cast, but counts as a power 3 spirit spell for purposes of counterspells and the Gaalbohr. If a use of the ability is successfully countered, it may be attempted again in a later turn. The zakerlash summoned has the same stats as the one brought forth by the spell but remains in play until one of the following conditions are met: 1) The wielder moves greater than half its SPD in a movement phase. 2) The wielder loses a LP. 3) The zakerlash is dropped. While the zarkerlash summoned by this ability is in play, the wielder gains the Chameleon talent.


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