The Crescent Moon - Sabre Item in Faelon | World Anvil

The Crescent Moon - Sabre

Melara found herself resting at the edge of the camp. The freeband’s most recent venture had left her exceptionally tired and therefore she was not interested in participating in everyone’s retelling of the day’s events. She had just gotten herself relaxed when a gust of wind blew through the campsite and extinguished their fire. At once, they were all under siege, but by what they could not see. Melara began focusing the magic within her when she was hit by something large that knocked her over. "Goddess help me!" she yelled as she hit the ground hard. As she lay there, she realized that the world around her had gone still and quiet. Standing up cautiously, she looked around to see what was happening. In the darkness of the forest around her appeared a ghostly face with large pupil-less eyes. A voice emanated from it. "Beloved daughter, you have served me well. As such I have chosen you to be my avatar in this world; to give you a sight beyond sight." At that the face disappeared, replaced by a spectral crescent moon, as though Koromen had fallen from the sky and hovered in the air before her. She reached out to touch it, expecting nothing to be there. Instead she was met by the feel of cold, hard steel. The moon-shape resolved into a saber with a luminescent blade. She wrapped her fingers around the hilt and the sound of fighting and yelling rushed back to her ears. The forest sprang alive with shapes and movement that had been hidden from her only moments before. She now saw that they were being assailed by a pack of Nurosaks, mindless demons who could strike from Between. Springing into action, she chopped the nearest one down with a swift blow. Another one turned to swing at her but it seemed confused as its giant claw went far wide of her. Standing within its defenses now she unleashed a flurry of stabs at it causing it to fall back. A cry came out of the creature's mouth and at once the remaining ones escaped into the woods. Catching her breath, Melara wondered what it was that she experienced tonight as she stared at the blade in her hand. She whispered a prayer to herself as she approached the center of the campsite to help her fellow freeblades as she felt for a moment the presence of something far off still watching her, unblinking. The Crescent Moon is a Saber d9. It can replace any one-handed Sword weapon. It provides its bearer with: +1dl MAR, Witchsight, Wraith [1]. It is an artifact special item with a gold cost of 7 gold. The Crescent Moon will be a prize at DGS official events throughout 2019 and your local Questers will be provided some to award as they see fit.


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