Warlock Profession in Faelon | World Anvil


Grular believe the greatest enemy of a warrior is fear. Fear lurks in a warrior’s shadow ever ready to weaken and destroy. Warlocks delve deep into the mysteries of Shadow Magic to create fear in their enemies. Mastering Shadow Magic means a lifetime spent living on the edge of terror often times driving the Warlock to madness.   Warlocks feed upon fear. Warlocks exult in the essence that is Shadow Magic and the terror it generates. They twist and bend shadows to their will. Grular Khans find these dark minds of great value and often keep Warlocks as counselors, personal protectors, and weapons.   Joining a Freeband presents a perfect vehicle for Warlock’s to pursue their arts. Regardless of the peculiarities of the Warlock, those taken by the Shadows can be found, even if not recognized, throughout Faelon as adventurers, mercenaries, or scourges.   https://www.dgsgames.com/warlock/  


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