Wildwing Profession in Faelon | World Anvil


Amongst the bird totem tribes, there is an ancient and mysterious group of dancing mystics that call themselves the Wildwings. This tradition is only shared by the Eagle, Falcon, Owl, Raven, and Vulture tribes. Those who undertake the quest to become a Wildwing are accepted into the other tribes and treated as one of their own. To see a Wildwing dancing on the field of battle is both rare and mystifying. Calling upon the power of not one but five totems, they are unsettling to their enemies and a great boon to their allies.   https://www.dgsgames.com/wildwing/  
Every one of the tribes of the Urdaggar have mystics that guide the worship and well-being of the tribe. These mystics perform many everyday jobs for the tribe, from healing sick tribe members to finding young mystics and overseeing their training. Younger mystics still in their training often perform ceremonial dances for the tribe. These dances are performed during tribal celebrations, when predictions are needed before battles or something is asked for by the tribe of their totem. Each specific purpose has its own unique dance. While most of the time these dances are just the responsibility of young mystics still learning the ways of their tribe and are performed as an obligation to their people, there are those mystics that take the next step and take on the responsibility of these dances permanently. Those that do so are rare indeed. They are mystics of exceptionally rare qualities and magic. There are only a few that are born to any tribe in a generation. They commune with their totem through dance and song, and release the totem’s will for the good of their tribe. Rightfully, they are prized by their tribes as a gift from their totem and fiercely protected. Sometimes these dancing mystics will go to battle, performing to strengthen their tribe or to bless them in any number of ways. Unlike most other tribal mystics that go into battle with an array of spells and the ability to harness the power of their totem directly by either becoming a physical manifestation of their aspect or summoning one, the mystic dancer does not directly get into combat. They fight from behind the main battle, dancing to direct the blessings of their totem onto those that are fighting. In almost every case a dancing mystic will stay with their own tribe and serve them only. However, amongst those tribes who worship a bird totem there is an ancient and mysterious group of mystics that call themselves the Wildwings. This tradition is only shared by the Eagle, Falcon, Owl, Raven, and Vulture tribes. It is rare for these tribes to work together, but in the case of the Wildwings there is an exception made. A dancing mystic from one of these tribes that shows exceptional capability may receive a special vision that directs him or her to travel to the other bird tribes to receive instruction.   These travellers are granted safe passage no matter what war or political machinations may be dividing their tribes. A mystic dancer wishing to undertake such a quest will be accepted into the other tribes and treated as one of their own. From these other tribes a mystic dancer will learn the sacred dances of each of the bird tribes’ mystics and be allowed to practice them. A dancer so gifted by the winged totems and undertaking a quest to visit and learn from each of the five bird tribes is called a cloudwalker. When a cloudwalker has learned and mastered the dances from all five of the bird tribes a special meeting of the mystics from the cloudwalking tribes will convene in a holy place known only to these mystics where the cloudwalker will undergo a series of trials. These trials are unknown outside of the Wildwings. The head Wildwing of each of the five tribes will preside over its own trial which will be individualized to the cloudwalker wishing to become a Wildwing. If the trial is passed the cloudwalker becomes a Wildwing and is given honorary membership in each of the tribes. The new Wildwing may travel freely between any of those five tribes and live among them as a mystic. Wildwings are bound not only to the laws and traditions of their own tribe but whatever tribe they find a home with as well. They are also bound to the ideals and traditions of the Wildwings, whose traditions and ways sometimes seem foreign and strange even to their home tribe. Wildwings are highly revered by their tribes. When called to do battle they are protected at any cost as they are a rare and precious commodity to their tribe. Rarely a Wildwing will venture out beyond the borders of the Urdaggar tribal lands and dance for others, out of curiousity and wanderlust. These Wildwings are looked on suspiciously by their tribal counterparts who believe they are squandering a gift that was meant to benefit only the tribes of the Urdaggar. To see a Wildwing on the field of battle is both rare and mystifying. Calling upon the power of not one but five totems, they are unsettling to their enemies and a great boon to their allies.


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