Zehn Voorlor Geographic Location in Faelon | World Anvil

Zehn Voorlor

In the western reaches of the Northern Mountains lies an area of such beauty that not one but two different cultures have declared it of significance to their culture.     At the heart of this wonder is a wide caldera lake that sits in a large hanging valley.  Surrounding the lake on three sides are several high peaks connected by an ancient glacier.     If that were not beautiful enough, underneath the mountains runs a thermal vent, a lava fed chamber close enough to the surface to slightly warm it.  The warming effect from the lava coupled with the blinding year-round snows at this elevation have caused nine perpetual waterfalls to careen from the glacier into the caldera lake.     A large island of land remains in the middle of the caldera lake and the rest cascades from the side of the hanging valley, plunging into the valleys below.     For untold eras the Totem Masters of the Urdaggar gathered on the island once per year to commune with their totems and plot the way for their peoples.  Some time later the hardy Kuzaarik came across the caldera lake and established Zehn Voorlor, or Nine Falls, which became one of the seven cities of the Kuzaarik Confederation.     External and Internal struggles caused the fall of Zehn Voorlor, and control of the area was once again given to the Urdaggar, who shared it with the denizens of the mountains that found shelter in the abandoned city.   Now, though the beauty of the falls remains, the city has become host to an ongoing struggle between the Urdaggar and demons that have used the ruins of Zehn Voorlor as a staging area for their entrance into Faelon.
Crater / Crater Lake / Caldera

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