Glitter Bible Document in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Glitter Bible

What is Glitter Bible?

Glitter Bible is the holiest of books in our world. It was written by Glitter God and Satan themselves, and given to people of our world to offer wisdom and guidance on how they should live their lives and lead the world to make it an enjoyable place for all. Many people of our world own the book, but it’s frequently used by fairies and Satan’s priests. They often consult it when they, or their followers need help and advice from gods.

What’s in it?

It is divided in a few sections, all equally important to understanding the world and the gods.

First section

First section goes into some detail describing Old World, before the apocalypse. It doesn’t hold back in describing just how vile creatures old world humans were. It makes a point that they truly deserved what happened to them and their world. And excerpt about Old World humans and what we today think of them, can be read here. True, some might say this only reads as a blatant and heavily exaggerated anti-human propaganda for moles to make themselves feel superior, but would you trust someone who doesn’t even marry their friends? Hm? Huh? I thought so.

Anyway, after describing all the ways how Old World humans deserved to have their world destroyed, it describes the apocalyptic years and all the effort Glitter God and Satan put into guiding the remaining humans to create new species, repopulate the world, and rebuild civilization. The tales of the past end at the point of moles reemerging from the underground and rebuilding first settlements.

Second section

After this history, the Glitter Bible spends some time describing basic moral values and laws which people should live by. It focuses on values such as love, compassion, empathy, creativity and hard work, but also teaches much about balance between good and bad. While everyone should always do what’s best for the greater good, there is an elaborate set of intricate rules that explain exactly when, how and why is it allowed to commit deeds such as theft or murder. You’ve guessed it, that second part was added in by Satan.

This part of the Bible also describes everything there is to know about romantic and BFF weddings, family leaders, and in general how a family should work.

Third section

Third part focuses mainly on one’s physical and mental wellbeing. It is divided in two main parts: One teaches much about mindfulness and meditation techniques. This part describes inner fairies and ways to stay, or get back in touch with them, should one lose their way. There is focus here on one’s mental health and wellbeing.

Second part revolves around physical health. It gives a general explanation of what one should do in everyday life to keep their health, and it also describes some of the basic herbal remedies everyone should know to prepare and keep in their home.

Fourth section

Fourth part focuses more on religion and spirituality. Here you’ll find basic guidelines to dreams and their meanings, and how to recognize the messages from gods in dreams. It offers explanations of some of the most common and important dream symbols.

After the dream section, there is another part, explaining another way to communicate with gods - these are Lavoron Cards. Each card carries its own special meaning and offers its own advice. Often when people find themselves in trouble, they seek advice from these cards - or more accurately - from fairies and Satan’s priests who are well versed in reading these cards. It takes a lot more to become and expert than Glitter Bible offers here, but it offers some of the general explanations everyone would be well advised to know.

Who reads it?

As the most important book of our world, each household should keep at least one. Some may have even more, but you won’t find a household without one. Though everyone has it, not everyone has actually read it though. The book is pretty long and some parts may be boring or hard to understand to an average reader. But that's ok, that's why we have fairies and Satan’s priests.

Both fairies and Satan’s priests have to study the Glitter Bible in order to be able to serve their gods, and give advice to people in need. They are the ones who truly have to understand all the laws and guidelines explained in the Bible, along with all the dream symbols and Lavoron cards. Of course, not only reading the Glitter Bible is enough, they also have to read extra literature with more detailed explanations on each topic from the Glitter Bible. Especially temple fairies and Satan’s priests need to take extra classes on each of the topics, though many tend to focus more on one area - some focus more on history, herbalis fairies focus more on the medical part, and some prefer to focus on dream and Lavoron interpretations.

Drag queens, who usually marry fairies, and spouses of Satan’s priests are well advised to familiarize themselves with the Glitter Bible as well. They might not need to know it as in depth as their spouses, but imagine being a fairy and marrying someone who didn’t even read the Glitter Bible!

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