Al-Shamal Geographic Location in Frantumare | World Anvil
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  Al-Shamal (Iltarin: Northern Desert) of Kalsaki is an area that lies in the north of the Holy City of Qadena and borders between the desert and Soucriant. The desert is barren and uninhabitable save for a chain of oases in an arc from the Kal-Sou Border.   It has been a scene of modern conflicts, particularly during the Great War and the latest, the Second Fitna.


"Remind me again why we are in the desert."   "Um... to watch the stars?"   "With sand in my shoes and pants? It SURE is romantic."   "...sorry."
  Al-Shamal is mainly a desert with crescentic dune fields. Plateaus can be sighted if approaching the Kal-Sou Border as the sands nearing the cold North hardens from the Northern Winds.   The vast expanse of the desert allows wanderers or traders to view the stars more clearly compared in the cities. However, it may not be the best place to rest as winds often blows and sandstorms are fairly common phenomenon in Al-Shamal.   Still, some believe traveling through the desert at night is romantic.


Al-Shamal is a hot desert, meaning that it experience extreme heat during the day that may reach up to 49°C and also extreme loss of heat at night that reaches 20-25°C.   The presence of oases contributes to some life in the desert. Camels are sighted to roam in herds, following the trails of oases scattered in Al-Shamal. Small animals like the centipedes and scorpions are common as well.

Localized Phenomena

Sandstorms are common in Al-Shamal. Bordered with Soucriant, the winds caused the sands to harden and the heated wind causes the sandstorms reaching the south towards Qadena.   This also leads to the creation of dune fields, contributing to the increase of bandits hidden within the desert to rob unsuspecting traders and wanderers.
Alternative Name(s)
Northern Desert
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Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species
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Jul 4, 2022 06:26

That quote gave me good laugh. Me and my husband would have such a conversation. xD   Keep up the good work! :D

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Jul 4, 2022 06:41 by Cryssalia Noire

Thanks! Sometimes love is about having sand in our shoes and pants ;)