Tobitokage Species in Frantumare | World Anvil
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They are the bipedal winged dragon with tails of arrow-shaped tip, commonly found in the continent of Yogan. Tobitokages were once the sole residents of the continent before the emergence of Skurja on Yogan. The Skurjas then began a taming and breeding program of the wyverns for war purposes in Era 2 and Era 3.   After the war, the tobitokages are trained for transport and construction animals. The new generation of tobitokages are discovered to have bonded with their handler and become extremely protective of them until their handler dies. A tobitokage without a handler will then starve themselves beside their handler's corpse until they expire.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Tobitokages strive in extreme temperature like the Yogan's heat wave. They require lava baths to maintain their body heat and build nests out of cooled lava and stones. Mild climate like Easlane causes them to be uncomfortable or inactive and in cold climate like Soucriant will send them into hibernation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Domesticated tobitokages are fed with high quality meat imported from Strigea and Adescheid (though their sources are questionable). Wild tobitokages main diet consists of fish, birds and a special type of deer species called the Surtr Antakka, that is native to Yogan only. However, wild tobitokages can be seen to cannibalize each other if they cannot hunt other preys on Yogan.
50-70 years (Wild Tobitokages), 80 years and above (Domesticated Tobitokages, assuming someone would take care of them after their handler pass away)
Conservation Status
Tobitokages are carefully curated to fit the personality of their handlers and their potential mates to prevent accidents and fights. The Skurjas only tame the smaller species of tobitokage as they are more approachable compared to their larger cousins. The tobitokages are only bred out of necessity to avoid overpopulation on Yogan. Suffice to say, they are controlled species under the rule of the Anluan Family.
Average Height
Domesticated Tobitokages: 1.4-1.8M   Wild Tobitokages: 18-20 feet
Average Weight
Domesticated: 380-1000kg   Wild: 2000lb
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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Jul 8, 2021 22:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'A wyvern without a handler will then starve themselves beside their handler's corpse until they expire.' Aww, sweet babies. They kind of remind me of big puppies.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet