The Passing Horde Military Conflict in Fyria | World Anvil

The Passing Horde

Before the Conflict
Twenty years ago, a large collected group of humanoids amassed only a few dozen kilometres from the eastern gates of Capita Emporio. This group was a collection of orcs, goblins, and other assorted races nearly ten thousand strong. This collection of people, who would eventually become known as the Utuk'taseg originated in the west of Heldrin and began to travel eastward along the south of Casarei, through the Jungles of Mijhail and up and east into the Republic of Ithosia near their capital, Capita Emporio . The Utuk’taseg started as a small group of a few dozen, and as they travelled, so too did their message, and their numbers swelled until they were ten thousand strong.   The message was one of peace, they spoke of wanting to find a home of their own and to live there without violence and without prejudice and the judgment that the modern world had come to levy at them. Most of these humanoids acknowledged that many of their brethren were violent and aggressive, and did deserve criticism. But that these opinions should not be laid at the feet of them all. And so, they sought out a rumoured valley to the east which they called Raum'alur - The Valley of the Embraced. An open piece of land protected by a treacherous mountain pass that they were looking to cultivate and call home. Though they would end up reaching their destination, many thought the valley a myth during their initial travels. The Utuk’taseg faced many difficulties along their journey and the incoming conflict was just one of several.
The Ithosian Coast and Vilanto Sea

The Conflict
The Utuk’taseg had just left the dense and often dangerous cover of the Jungles of Mijhail and were slowly moving down the coast headed in a generally eastbound direction. They did their best to travel off-road to try and keep a lower profile, but by this point, their numbers had ballooned to over ten thousand and their presence was quickly noticed. Both travellers on the nearby roads and merchant sailors in the waters of the Vilanto Sea took note of the encroaching horde of humanoids.   Soon word reached back to Capita Emporio, and the council took quick action to mobilize the militia and send them out to meet the horde. Ithosia’s origin story includes a violent and aggressive horde of humanoids so a deep hatred for their kind is built into the fabric of their being.   By the time the Utuk’taseg were four days into their travel east they had been met by a sizable force of the Ithosian Military. Both forces stopped their movements, each unsure as to how to approach. The Utuk’tased did not wish to back down and give up on their travels, as through Ithosia territory was the only way forward to their destination. And the Ithosians were tense and antsy to attack the horde so that they could purge their presence from their lands. But, without approval from the Republic’s Council, they could not attack. The tension between the two forces was obvious and the aggressive stance taken by the Ithosians was beginning to rile up many of the Utuk’taseg.   Keeping heads cool on both sides however were Captain Argus Malitora on the Ithosian side, and former and soon to be again, Chieftain Taluk'okt .   Taluk’okt who was once a chief of his own tribe, before they were murdered by roaming adventurers, took it upon himself to speak to and calm the collected masses. Telling them to be patient, and to show a calm front. And that any sort of aggressive behaviour would be taken as a potential threat and could provoke the Ithosians. He said, to wait until they sent an ambassador or word was sent from the Ithosians. At which point they could open a parlay and explain their purpose and their pacifist goals.   Captain Argus Malitora on the Ithosian side was working similarly, acting to calm his troops on the front line, while also communicating with the Republic’s Council via supporters of his on the council. Who acted to stall them from making any brash decisions. The council wished to stop the horde from passing further through their land and voted to push them back with force. This vote came down several times, but each time was vetoed by supporters of Malitora. Each time a veto came down, the discussion on the matter was forced to restart. And each time Malitora was able to send additional words, spoken on his behalf by a representative.   Eventually, through several rounds of discussion and votes, Malitora was able to convince the council to allow him to parlay with the horde and discuss matters with them before acting. The only caveat was that the discussion was to be one on one. Malitora would insist on being the representative, while the Utuk’taseg collectively agreed that Taluk’okt with his calm mindand ability to speak the human's language somewhat, would be their best representative.
Capita Emporia - Capital of The Republic of Ithosia

The two appointed leaders would meet at the middle ground in between each side. There was no tent and no table, just the two of them standing in front of each other well outside earshot of all others. There was a tense greeting and brief introductions between the two before the discussion began. At first, the awkward nature of the conversation bogged down discussions. But they both soon realized that they were not enemies and shared a common goal. The continued safety of their respective peoples. With this in mind, the conversation calmed, and the two openly shared their thoughts with each other.   Malitora would soon understand that the group in front of him only sought safe passage towards their end goal - a home to call their own. He respected that and wanted to help. Malitora suggested that in order to calm the minds of his people and to help the Utuk'tased he would allow for their safe passage. But, only if a contingent of his soldiers from the First Legion could accompany them eastward. Taluk’okt sensed the man's sincerity and decided to trust him, agreeing the to terms.   With the details decided upon the two shook hands and thanked one another for their kindness during the discussions. Unknowingly, these two were the first humanoid and Ithosian to ever officially shake hands.
After Captain Malitora and Taluk’okt came to terms on the details of the truce the large group of humanoids, along with a contingent of Ithosian Miltary, were quickly mobilized and both parties were ready to march. To Taluk’okt’s surprise, extra rations and water were also to be spread to the Utuk’taseg’s children and elder members. A gesture of good faith Malitora insisted on giving when he reported back on the successful negotiations.   Since travel directly through Capita Emporio was an impossible option, it was decided that the Ithosians, led by Captain Malitora would chaperone the Utuk'taseg led by Taluk’okt along the Boros Path. A long road that travels across a west to east path, and borders much of Capita Emporio's northern territory. The Boros Path leads to the rebublics eastern border, and officially ends at a forked juncture; with one path leading toward the northern communities of Ithosia and the other leading further northeast and eventually enters Baizair.   The entire trip took roughly ten days, while the road is typically only five days travel by horse, moving over ten thousand very tense people along a narrow road tends to slow things down. Once the group reached their agreed-upon destination, at the juncture at the end of the Boros Path, the two leaders, Captain Malitora and Chieftain Taluk’okt met once last time. Taluk’okt told Malitora that once his people crossed the pass into the valley they would keep to themselves and had no interest in any sort of expansion, or even trade, and would stay neutral in all matters international. In fact, they wouldn’t even bother keeping communications.   Captain Malitora has since retired from the military, and now in in his early fifties is serving as a councillor on the Republic's Council. While Taluk'okt has become chieftain of a large tribe, and acts as spiritual advisor and elder for his community and for any seeking council in Raum'alur. And despite Taluk'okt's promise to not stay in contact, this would turn out to be a lie. As Taluk’okt and Malitora would privately, and secretly, keep in contact with each other over the next twenty years. Becoming close confidantes despite having not seen each other in person since their last meeting at the juncture.   The Utuk'taseg people have kept their promise to stick to themselves and rarely leave their borders, instead keeping to themselves to grow their young nation. Many thousands of humanoids have travelled to Raum'alur in the years proceeding this conflict, though in much smaller groups that have not been hassled quite as much as the ten thousand humanoid migration that the 'Passing Horde' was.   Ithosia and Capita Emporio, has for the most part stayed the course and kept to their traditions, sadly most of their citizens still hold great grudges and dislike for humanoid people. There has even been the occasional discussing during council of building a fortified wall between the Ithosia borders and Raum'alur's. And while many councillors understand and sympathize with the perceived threat the thought of building an enormous wall to block out a people that haven't bothered them in twenty plus years is perceived as ridiculous and always outvoted.
A small military conflict that occurred roughly twenty years ago between Ithosia and the soon-to-be-named Utuk'taseg, citizens of Raum'alur when the latter were migrating to their new home. A large group of nearly ten thousand humanoids travelling to the east is what Ithosia saw coming. On guard, they did not wish to let the ‘horde’ pass and even toyed with the idea of attacking. Even though the humanoids of Raum’alur only wished for safe passage, the tense nature of Ithosia’s origin story created tension that could have ignited bloodshed quite easily.   However, two great leaders of two vastly different peoples, each within their own standing reservations and opinions on the other. Much of which was not positive. Managed to broker peace and safe passage.   Argus Malitora of Ithosia - Captain of the First Legion, representing the Republic of Ithosia, who have deep seeded hatred over what they see as an aggressive race of savages. And Chief Taluk’okt of Raum’alur, who had experienced violence against his race from humans. Both, put aside their pre-conceived reservations and hostilities in order to barter for a peaceful resolution to a tense situation.
A depiction of Raum'alur where the Utuk'taseg would migrate to after this incident was resolved.

Start Date 12 Hadrious - 738EoC
Ending Date 26 Hadrious - 738EoC
  Conflict Result
Parlay - Safe Passage for Utuk'taseg granted under supervision
Ithosia - Capita Emporio
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