The Plants Species in GBXCU | World Anvil
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The Plants

After total ecological collapse, a desperate mysterious company consisting of the world's greatest gene hackers attempted to re-create the ecosystem using the last remaining living beings on Earth, With the few resources that they had, they managed to speed up evolution and gene change in humans. To kickstart the food chain a few poor individuals underwent excruciating procedures, many of which failed. the final result ended in only two successful specimens, a male and a female, the original Plants looked like short green humans covered in short hair-like leaves, after a few hundred years  of accelerated mutations these creatures adapted to be mischievous bipedal and chubby looking. they grow flower like projections in the spring to allow for reproduction allowing for pollination and wind seed dispersal. Their seeds work like airborne eggs that release miniature versions of the parents

Basic Information


Only known organs are: Reproductive "flowers" Hair like leaves Water absorbing underskin

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduces from seeds Some species can grow from removed limbs

Dietary Needs and Habits

Photosynthesizes absorbs water through skin


Enjoys sitting in the sun  some species live with carnivores for protection from herbivores

Additional Information

Social Structure

smaller species tend to form large 'meadows'  bigger species only group up in 'groves' once a year to socialize


a few species discovered by the few remaining spacefaring humans have been domesticated for decoration

Uses, Products & Exploitation

forms the base of the food chain in the wild

Facial characteristics

Residual facial features, small mouth creates little squeaking noises that convey emotion large round nose that covers mouth used in receiving communications from others round eyes for basic sight

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

smarter individuals can understand and utilize basic tools and levers

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Senses: Sight Smell (Form of communication)

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

some symbiotic relationships with none plants similar to our known plants

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

communicates by smell

Common Dress Code

Scientific Name
Homo plantae
unknown human ancestor
2 weeks- 500 years depending om species
Conservation Status
Widespread on the ruins of Earth
Average Height
short lived species grow to 5cm high longer living species can grow up to 10 meters tall there is a rumor of a great ancient one whose top branches are said to touch the edge of space when he is sitting down
Average Weight
20 grams+
Average Physique
small ones look chubby, taller ones look thinner and are covered in 'bark' armor
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
green, darker near the top and pale on torso and legs Bright vibrant flowers and seeds

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