The Guardians of the Myst Myth in Hyperia | World Anvil
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The Guardians of the Myst

The Guardians of the Myst

Created by Phillip Aluinn
for Martial protection and wisdom in battle these paladins are sought out in many studies as their Oath of the Feywild Paladins are the best in the land. Their Wood Elf Rangers and Assassins are also the best in the land with the secrets they possess, and their Dragonmark Gnomes are some of the best Wizards and Artificers in all of Hyperia as their Dragonmark glows so do their magics. Now they turn their eyes to a new Foe with the help of the Battleforge Dwarves and what's left of the Arcana Knights of Aurora , once a force in and of themselves now close to extinction and our brethren in Dragonstar and their blue dragon Dragosa, will of the weave. We will meet Gorsh and his syndicate of Dark orcs head on. With their worship of the false prophet Yaguk seeking godhood by leeching the magic of the dragons and this world and his ties to the Great old ones as well as his connection to the lich Nizzarath. Their existence we cannot abide,but they are a foe worth fearing and we will stand firm against their Aggression.   “The dragons consciousness we are. Fear that which you do not know.” -Alaeros Magestar   “By the Red,by the green,and by the blue we call on your strength, make us graceful in battle and wise in life.” Alaeros Magestar


In the beginning there were two dragons. Glaedrgosa and his consort Nimdrasa. Nimdrasa wished to bring life to the void but Glaedrgosa was happy just as it were. He knew the price of life but Nimdrasa wanted her on progeny. When Glaedragosa refused Nimdrasa cried a single tear but she was unaware of the magic she possessed, as this tear fell to the ground her innate magic imbued it with mystic energy and where the tear fell a single tree grew so large it formed the world within the void. Sprouting life where it grew and so the wood elves were made by Nimdrasa’s tear. Glaedragosa was infuriated by this he thought he was the only one that could create life so in his anger he created the High Elves and the prejudices there in. He imbued them with arrogance and entitlement and set them on a path of nobility, whilst the wood elves were Nimdrasa’s on consciousness, the high elves were the embodiment of Glaedrgosa and they were at odds with each other the wood elves tried and tried to coexist with the high elves but to no avail so they formed their on society apart from the Red dragons High Elves. The Green dragons Wood Elves lived in perfect harmony with Nature as well as Nimdrasa till the aggressive High Elves claimed them as abominations and below their station in life. The Wood Elves were kept at bay from the High Elves locked out of Great Elven cities for trade. Interbreeding was considered punishable by death as the High Elves considered themselves pure and of the true magic of the weave, so a war broke out between High Elves and Wood Elves called the millennial war Till a new life formed from the void of the weave the Gnomes came into being. The gnomes considered themselves to be the progeny of Glaedrgosa and Nimdrasa and these gnomes all had birthmarks of the great union. They were known as the Dragonmark gnomes they had a curiosity unending and developed through the years, an Artificer method of magic use and with this brought time into the world as well as tinker animals and tinker magic the High Elves and the wood elves were so mesmerized by this they accepted the story and proof that this Dragonmark gnomes were indeed Glaedrgosa and Nimdrasa’s progeny and stopped the in fighting. They realized their dragon kin became stronger when unified and so to did the High Elves, Wood Elves, and Gnomes. Now they are known as the Guardians of the Myst and the keepers of the knowledge of the Dragons as well as Knowledge of the Magics.

Historical Basis

it is a belief of all within the Elvish and Gnomish races within Kragmorn territory. They believe they are of Dragons. which explains to them their lifespan and magical abilities as well as there Tactical prowess.


this Myth is given to the Elves and the Gnomes as babies and it is taught to them growing up in that society. It is ingrained and very secretive within their culture.

Cultural Reception

shocked and intrigued if these secretive beliefs were shared with them.

In Literature

in the Lox Nimm of Glademyst.

In Art

in ruined temples of the Elvish kingdoms of the Archaic Era. there are flags and art drawn, as well as within the Lox Nimm.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
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