Eridak Species in Iphars | World Anvil


This article requires editing. If you are interested in it, let me know either in Discord (such as in my discord or in my DMs) or as a comment here.


Eridak were artificial animals, made with the help of magic out of dead pets. They used have becomed very common in Ashtara as people loved to keep living with their beloved friends. Unfortunately, since The dawn of magic, the Eridak quickly started dying and have now become extinct.

These creatures are made so that people can stay with their pets until they (the owner) dies. And thus, when a pet dies, their bodies are prepared to become an Eridak, which will revive the pet and keep it alive until the owner dies.


The apparence of the Eridak is highly based on what species they were before dying. Most of their original body stays the same, unless some parts need replacing to avoid the animal having problems once they revive.

Once they are turned into a Eridak, their head partially loses their meat to reveal their skull (which, thankfully to the magical process, is not gross) and a pair of horns will grow from the newly shown skull (whether or not the animal used to had horns).

Around their neck, three orbs appear on their skin, partially protuding; and their tail will become longer and will grow two new tails (in mammals and birds, it also becomes fluffier).

On their side, a mark will appear; this mark represents who the owner is (the owner will also have a mark like it on some part of their body). And their legs have a ring of different coloured skin/fur/scales/feathers.

Eridak by Catoblepon


When the creatures were firstly created, they weren't too popular, people used to see the process as a disrespect towards their deceased friends. After some years, Eridak started gaining popularity and, before The dawn of magic, they were very common around Ashtara. Everyone loved their immortal pets (at least immortal until the owner died) and having pets that would not die helped lower the number of farms of pets and also the number of pets in shelters.

When people started crossing the portals that would end up leaving them in Iphars, most had to leave their Eridak behind, either because they did not had time to go get them or because they were forced to leave them behind. The Eridak left behind were thought of dead and people who managed to cross with their Eridak felt luckily.

Shortly after arriving at Iphars, the people with Eridak started seeing their beloved pets becoming sick, very sick. No one knew what was happening and the magic in Iphars were stopping them from being able to heal them magically or to magically know what was happening. A year after, the Eridaks were all dead.

Later on, a theory explains what happened to them, «Eridak will die before their owners if exposed long enough to the Iphars magic.». And, also thanks to Iphars magic, the spells used to create them stopped working and no new way of creating Eridak has been found yet.

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Contains secret information from Ashtara

Thanks to the The dawn of magic it has been discovered that Eridak will die before their owners if the owner and the Eridak are in different planets or planes (like if the owner was in Iphars and the pet was in Ashtara).

People currently in Iphars is unaware of this but people in Ashtara has seen and suffered the consequences. They way they die is similar as how they die from being in Iphars.

The species are not fully extincted, people in Ashtara still creates and have them, but their numbers lowered a lot and most that exist nowadays are out of necessity for helping hands in the rebirthing of Ashtara.


Author's Notes

The amazing spoilered section is made by Stormbril, check them at the Enchanced spoilers article!
What pets you think would be cuter in Eridak form? Or, how would your pet look like? Lemme know in the comments! (Sketches are welcome if you'd like, might add them to the article if you give permission!)

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Jul 26, 2023 12:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aww this is sad. :( But also I would want my babies with me forever.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 26, 2023 13:17 by Catoblepon

It was such a shame that the worlds collided. Who would be so monstrous to do so? Me, it's me; altho lore-wise it's the boredom of gods

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