Portalhoppers Profession in Iphars | World Anvil


Portal-hopped. Silly people that cross portals to obtain exotic stuff from the other sides of portals and then attempt to go back to Iphars and sell it. Very deadly job, usually done by people who know magic (or thinks that knows) and people who are either desesperate or have no family nor friends.

Usually, people are attracted to the idea of visiting new places, but after hearing how inestables are the portals and how hihg the possibilities of not coming back are, people stay away from it. But some people are brave, dumb, or whatever enough to start portalhopping (as it is commonly known as).

Most people coming to this profession start by being commanded to do some stuff by older more experienced portalhoppers. Most newcomers end up dying, either because they didn't start learning from an experienced one or because they didn't follow their orders, tips, or simply got too greedy. If you work with an experienced portalhopper, the possibilities of dying simply by crossing portals (Such as portal closing halfway you crossing) are much lower than people who take portals without caring or preparing.

Portalhoppers are a close-knit community of workers, they explain all the things they can from tehir travels with fellow (experienced) portalhoppers in order to learn from the travels and increase the odds of surviving whatever might be ont he other side of the portals. You will never see a portalhopper with a method of noting down stuff.

While the profession started to gather exotic items and other stuff from other planes, big part of their income comes from people who are trying to understand magic and its wildness, as portals are one of the most wild magics in Iphars and portalhoppers learnt a lot about them in the few years they have existed.



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