Tundea's wrath Military Conflict in Iphars | World Anvil

Tundea's wrath

Tundea's wrath happened three decades ago and it was a fierce battle of people versus nature where the asleep volcano of Tundea awoke with a big eruption and put in danger the whole Vagrigh island. It stopped after the involvement of a mysterious couple who used magic to stop the fires.

The eruption

One night, suddenlty without any warning, Tundea awoke and started a big wild dangerous eruption. Tundea had not erupted in so long that the only records of it are old myths and tales that were hard to believe.

When it started, people took a bit to realize. the black smoke was not seen throught the cloudy night and was firstly seen once the sun rose. It was the lava exiting the volcano that alerted the people who were awake. People panicked, unknowning what to do.

The lava quickly set the island's forest on fire although it inititally spreaded slowly. People from everywhere started trying to stop the fire. Water, digging pits, cutting down plants, etc. They were not fast enough, they could not stop the fire, but for days the people kept trying to fight, even after wind raised and started making fire spread faster.

After a week, the fire already claimed half the island's forest. For days, people had been leaving their houses and started raising tents on the coasts of the beaches while hoping, praying, and waiting for the fire to be stopped. But a week later, people started preparing to leave the island.

The storm

In between people filling the ships and gathering whatever they could to leave the island, two people appeared out of nowhere. They looked weird, even after Ipharian people learnt about Ashtarians, specially the smaller one, some people swear the skin of them were made of stone.

They started running towards the nearest point of fire, that was being temporally stopped by a river. The two people used magic, which was barely even heard of in the islands as a real thing, to create a big thunderstorm that rain over the island, as if it was attached to it, for a week.

The people from the island never saw the two people again and, after the rainy week, they were able to go back to their houses, as the fire was stopped with the rain and the lava cooled down. After that, the volcano never went back to sleep again, causing the Tundea's awakening, but after a couple of close calls, people got used to its awakenings and since then, it hasn't caused a big problem. Tundea's burning day was started to be done yearly.

The people from Vagrigh have still lots of questions from what happened, and some myths, legends, and stories appeared from the event. Thanks to the display of magic by the mysterious people, the island is eager to learn about magic and how to control it, specially towards magic that would allow them to control water, fire, and the weather.

The involved


A powerful force of nature, that was awoken and boosted by the power of magic. Suffered no loses for obviously reasons. It is unknow why it stopped the eruption although it now causes the Tundea's awakening.


The island ended up with a big surface of it burned. Many animals and people perished in the fires while trying to escape. The loses it suffered cannot be counted. Thankfully, it has healed in most part since then.

?? & ??

A couple of unknown people. They appeared and disappeared out of nowhere. Thanks to their magic, a storm extinguished the fires and the island was saved. People believe they were gods or Echo with a companion.

Cover image: by VVertixico


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Jul 7, 2023 01:39 by E. Christopher Clark

Two people vs a volcano. I dig it! Nice work.

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Jul 7, 2023 07:30 by Catoblepon

Thank you! Gosh you found the article before it got prettified xD

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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Jul 7, 2023 12:11 by Theo

I really like how you wrote the eruption as a conflict. Great job!

Jul 7, 2023 13:06 by Catoblepon

Thank you <3

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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Jul 8, 2023 10:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am soooo curious about this mysterious couple you keep mentioning. :D   Such a cool idea to do an eruption as a conflict.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 8, 2023 13:11 by Catoblepon

Thanks :D <3

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
Love to code, but this one is driving me crazy!
My world Shattered won as the "Most ground-breaking premise new world"!
Aug 1, 2023 07:17

It amused me to no end that they were saved but no one knows by who. That's some superhero vanishing act. Lovely page and layout!

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Aug 1, 2023 11:10 by Catoblepon

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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Nov 4, 2023 11:54

I would have never gotten the idea of writing a volcano eruption as a conflict, but it works beautifully.   Also who are those two strangers? You've made me very curious!

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Nov 4, 2023 12:39 by Catoblepon

I'm glad it works cuz I loved working on it! The two strangers are very mysterious indeed but perhaps you are able to learn a bit more about them in the Riox's avatar article (it's a bit old article and probably needs editing, feel warned xD)

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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