Silent Falls Geographic Location in Irumet, Kingdom of the Dragon | World Anvil
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Silent Falls

In the Vornish wilds, Irumian explorers have recently discovered a strange phenomena they have dubbed Silent Falls. Following a river snaking through the dense northern jungle, they came upon a waterfall feeding into a pool below. What they saw through the shroud of mists below was an absolutely stunning sight of several different types of beasts gathered around the pool. There were both predator and prey animals drinking from and bathing in the waters, with no signs of aggression from a single creature in attendance. Noted among the beasts were several burl goats, a lone quill bear, a flock of unidentified water fowl, a pair of wolf-bats, and even a titanic winged terror cat, which dwarfed the other animals, yet they did not seem to fear its presence. A variety of other animals seemed to be present as well, but they were too small to be identified due to distance and the obscuring mists of the falls.   Although it is not uncommon for predator and prey to abide by an instinctual truce at common watering holes, they usually give each other a wide berth. These animals were noted as actually interacting with each other in a physically social manner, caressing or even lounging upon one another regardless of species. None of the animals engaged in what be referred to as play, as they all seemed to move languidly. They also did not exhibit any of the organization of a pack acting under the influence of an uplifted, the sapient lieutenants of the Beast Queen's army. The explorer's notes state that the animals did not seem to be sedated, but rather it was their opinion (it should be noted that two members of the team were experienced naturalists) that they seemed to have been sapped of the urge for anything approximating violence. Although the idea was proposed to descend to the pools below and investigate the matter more closely since the beasts appeared docile, it was deemed an unacceptable risk by the expedition's leader.   The waterfall itself was estimated to be over 300 meters tall. Water samples were taken from the river before the falls and at several points along the river on the return trip, with no abnormalities found in any of the samples. The cause for the strange phenomena is currently unknown, and is a matter of great interest to the Irumian military, as it may prove useful in ending the war with the beasts of Vorn. A second expedition is currently being organized.

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