Kosamic Sea Geographic Location in Kathrir (old) | World Anvil
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Kosamic Sea

Thunder rumbled across the sky, joining the howling wind in a cacophony of growls and shrieks.
I snuck a sideways glance at Bryn, who was staring off into the sea.
"Yes, this place will do nicely." She muttered. She flicked her hand, and the water shifted, swirling around until it had become a gently sloping staircase all the way down to the ocean floor.
On our way down she pulled out the clay I had given her back at the palace. “So just sculpt this into the creature I want to give this kingdom to?”
“Yeah. Just.. be careful with it.”
“I will.”
  The Kosamic Sea is the northeastern sea of Kathrir. Often known for strong storms, those who venture out into the gusty center are few and far between.
On those rare moments you can get to the center and not be besieged by thunder and lighting, the water is clear enough that you can see the seafloor below. Crystals litter the bottom, along with some species of coral and the occasional sunken shipwreck. The water is shallower than one might think, ranging at around 300-400 feet deep.
Aquitzals, half-human, half-seal people, live in this sea, with their capital being at the vey center, using underwater trains for visitors due to it being not safe enough to go there by boat.

Localized Phenomena

The Crowned Storm

A massive vortex that circles the center of the Kosamic Sea. It has been there for centuries and no-one knows why. It's currently unknown whether this is a natural or magical occurrence, and information is incredibly hard to come by due to how hard it is to collect.

Natural Resources

  • Iron
  • Crystal
  • Cobalt
  • Coral
  • Copper
  • Water


There is a story about the sea’s name. It is said to be named after an old king named Kosamai, who defeated a terrible monster while his kingdom was flooded, and then diving into a cave to try to avoid the rising water. It is unknown whether he survived or if he was actually a real person, although the cave’s description matches one that can still be found underneath the waves of the Kosamic Sea.
Many people have investigated the cave, but found nothing, so the story remains a mystery to this day.
Art is drawn by me, made with Ohuhu Markers
Alternative Name(s)
The King's Storm
Vehicles Present
Location under
Included Locations
Related Professions
Related Materials

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