Xiaowang Species in Lingyichao | World Anvil


As seen in
Xiaowang are one among many of the Shenxian who came through Moliliexia - The Rift when it first opened in 1 LYC, and found Tianxiajie a world they decided was comfortable.


  Xiaowang are by the nature quite mischievous, and have a habit of responding to things as their mood takes them. The same Xiaowang can lead a lost person back to their home one day, and then into the clutches of one of any number of monsters the next. It is always difficult to tell which sort of mood they might be in, or what their general personality is, because of that capriciousness.   Their preferred habitat is in mountainous regions, but near enough to human settlements to play their games with any they might encounter. Humans should be rightfully wary any time they encounter one who might be a Xiaowang, and take their words with a ladle of salt.


  It is, unfortunately, difficult to tell the difference in appearance between Xiaowang and many of their kin.   Like many others, Xiaowang tend to be on the tall side, closer to 2 metres in height than many of those they play with and prey upon. Their skin tends to a hue that reflects the geological composition of the mountain where they were born, so can appear to be any colour from a basalt black, to a granite grey, to a clay red, to a sandstone beige, or shades of metal ores, among others, and is quite often mottled if the location in question was more stratified. Their equivalent to moles or freckles are often the colours of semi-precious or precious gems that were part of their birth mountain's composition.   Their hair tends to vary in colour between browns and greens, believed to be based on the colour of plant life on their birth mountain, but that is as of yet unconfirmed.   Their eyes are generally a shade of the colour of their skin, sometimes lighter, sometimes darker, with the logic of the shading as of yet unknown.
Biological Family
Formal Designation
Xiāowǎng (魈魍)
魈: mischievous, one footed spirit that dwells in the mountains; 魍: demons, mountain spirits; 魈魍: mountain elf, sprite, demon


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