Riverland Settlement in Mbali | World Anvil


Riverland: The Heart of Trade


It's not difficult to understand why Riverland leads the continent in trade. Their central location gives them the best access to every nation in Mbali. The borders of Riverland touch six of the ten kingdoms of Mbali, the most of any nation. The Kai River that runs directly in front of Riverland's capitol, crosses the center of Mbali, flowing from the West Coast and emptying on the East. Due to this favorable position, Riverland has developed the best trading routes in all of Mbali. They lead the world in trade and attempts to keep a favorable relationship with all the kingdoms. Because of this, they typically remain neutral. Their neutrality allows kingdoms like Sunni in the southernmost tip of Mbali to have access to the fruits and spices grown only in Myr in the North, and vice versa.

The last few kings of Riverland take full advantage of their trade position. Most traveling merchants from Riverland work directly for the King. Merchants from other lands who trade in Riverland must pay a significant merchants tax. The most advantageous way to trade in Riverland is to actually work for the king. This way, you pay no taxes, and you get silver and land from the King. There are many merchants who abhor this kidnapping of free trade, but if they are to have easy access to goods around the continent, then they are forced to have some connection with the Riverland trade.

Another perk that benefits Riverland's dominance of trade, is the existence of a healthy silver mine close to the capitol. Of course, the king controls this mine and it serves as the base of Riverland's economic power.

Due to Riverland's advantageous position, it has invested in a large army and a strong order of Masanii. There have been a number of power hungry monarchs who have attempted to strip Riverland of its silver mine and trade haven. But those attempts have failed. Riverland itself has had a few greedy leaders who have attempted to expand, but those attempts failed as well. In the last few centuries, the kingdom has been content with its current position and does its due diligence in protecting its biggest assets.


Cover image: by muha


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