World Wide Military Conflict in Miria | World Anvil
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World Wide

Wars and Rumours of Wars

Whispering Wind

There have been murmurs among civilians about the Krystal Knights orders to the Protection Division across Miria. These Divisions are stationed to their own countries to secure the Mother Tree. A shift between powers seems to be underway in all kingdom's of the world and undertones of war between nations.
How could this be? We have enough problems with the abominations getting closer to our Mother Trees, to our homes!
— An angry civilian


Monstrosities that suddenly appear and roam throughout Miria. These have been around since the kin-souls of Miria can remember right through history. Many Mirians do not know where they have been born, only that they are set out to destroy all kin-souls. The Krystal Knights and Protection Division have managed to put together Bounties for those strong enough to handle since they are limited to their posts. These parties mainly makeup of Sojourners as they have supernatural strength against the monsters.


Striving for peace is what most Mirians want and under communication this peace has been kept for over two hundered years. However, there is talk of possible war against kingdoms arising once again.

Historical Significance


For now and has been before in history, peace still resides in Miria due to some great negotiators in the Prism Tower.  

Technological Advancement

Currently the technology is to use man's best weapons: fire guns, swords and magic. Each bullet is made with chemicals to make a small explosion when it hits its target. Swords can be imbued with different elements and finally one's own magic pool. Other man-made weapons have been made against the abominations, but as they are tested outside the safety of the Mother Trees, they have proven to be useless and end up in a pile of rubble with their own lives endangered by these, merciless beasts.
  • Nations against Nations
  • Abomination Threat
  • Peace Talks
  • Current Technology of Today
Conflict Type
Whispering Winds
An secret organization all about giving civilians necessary information, but the Protection Division has been ordered to invetigate their whereabouts and reveal their location to the Krystal Knights. Something about national security being endangered.

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Cover image: by Unknown Artist


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