War in the Skulls Military Conflict in Morgrave | World Anvil
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War in the Skulls

The War in the Skulls was a short lived war between the Hymbrans and the Northern Skulls Dwarves. The Northern Skulls Dwarves, known as the Grozakki in their tongue, are a hard lot who live in the frigid heights of the northern Skulls mountains. Without farming they relied mainly on hunting to keep their small colonies fed, until the Hymbrans came and traded food and gold for the arms and armors of the Grozakki. The Dwarven holds in the north grew quickly over these centuries; it collapsed even more quickly when the Hymbrans discovered Ambrosia and stopped trading with the Grozakki.

The Beginning

With the Northern Skulls Dwarves starving and their population collapsing, the Hymbrans saw an opportunity to plunder the Dwarven holds of their riches - the riches dredged from the belly of the Skulls and traded to them over the centuries. The Hymbrans sent several cohorts up north to Kraz Volkhov, the most accessible and also most wealthy hold.   The cohorts blockaded the entrance of Kraz Volkhov, killing any Dwarves they saw. In the bitter cold, sitting outside the grand stone entrance of the underground city, the cohorts only lasted a few days before becoming miserable enough to push into the hold. They had hoped that the years of slow starvation coupled with their few days of preventing hunting would be enough to soften the remaining Dwarves. They were wrong.

The End

Skulls Dwarves are rarely expansionist, so they don't invest much in troops. What they do invest in, however, is defense, and lots of it. Thanks to the planning of generations of strategists and the drilling of the citizens of Kraz Volkhov, the Grozakki were ready for the Hymbran advance. As the cohorts pushed their way down into the carved stone tunnels of the Dwarven Hold, a sight rarely seen by outsiders, the killing windows opened up, and suddenly the sides of the tunnel were dotted with ballistae that shot pebbles of iron. From behind and in front the mass of cohorts, waves of Grozakki poured forth wearing their famously exquisite armor, keeping the Hymbran army pinned while the ballistae did their macabre work. Not even the advanced guns and armor could help the invading force, and only a small team broke free from the backline and made it to safety. The cohorts were cut down nearly to a man, and a heavy load of Morgrave's first guns made its way into the hands of Kraz Volkhov.
Conflict Type


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