Ishet Character in Necumia | World Anvil

Ishet (Eh-Shet)

Majesty Ishet

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

He can be seen wearing a long, white cape and a serious expression. He’s always surrounded by 2 bodyguards. In emergency times he has a group of soldiers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was a child of the royal family and was an only child. The rank of majesty was passed down to him when his mother died in battle and was in his twenties. Ishet handled the responsibility of king quite quickly and used the power of his people to empower and motivate him. When Astraeus was first under attack, he didn’t know what to do but tried to maintain control. He learned a great lesson of responsibility and that a king should do anything to protect his people.   When more battles started to happen he has remained calm but when a great loss struck them 30 years earlier he had a hard time contemplating it and tried to handle it respectfully.


No betraying the throne and no betrayal of any kind. Trust is everything.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Like all of the Irziell’s he has a great dislike for their enemies the Qieq’ars. Although, he also wants peace like millions of others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ishet never gives up hope for his people and likes doing the right thing, kind, nice, and sympathetic


He has been the king for over 70 years and has given his people hope during the darkest times. He’s considered a great leader by most people especially during the Massacre.

Work in Progress

This article will be updated in the future

Stub Article

This article might be made into a full article at some point
Current Status
To keep his people safe from harm
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Lightest yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greenish blue
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Battlefield by TheDoctor292 in artbreeder


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