The Battle of Recovery. Military Conflict in Nuome | World Anvil
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The Battle of Recovery.

Some years ago, after much inquiry, the Wildwander Gnomes discovered that the great Red Dragon, Thaust (short for Thaustophantalast, which, in turn, is short for a very long name indeed), who had been hired to destroy the Gnomish University, had first robbed it. It was said that he had made away with a great number of books, magical items, weapons, and armor. Happy in the thought that they could recover some of their belongings, the Gnomes carefully considered ways in which to get them back. And so it was in May of 7832, the Gnomes began to infiltrate the kingdom of the red dragon. As anyone knows, the Dragon had a large kingdom with Kobolds, Dragonborn, and young dragons all living fairly peacefully with each other. Men could not just walk up to the volcano and visit with the dragon without invitation. But Gnomes are smaller, trickier, and swifter than humans. Slowly and carefully they made their way to the great volcano where the dragon lived and into the dragon's hoards. Day by day, week by week, the Gnomes crept further into the dragon's vaults. As the Dragon's underlings often come and go through the vaults, the Gnomes went undetected. Having decided that they would take only their own belongings and not steal everything in sight, the Gnomes picked through the hoards. Weeks later, loaded down with their Gnomish artifacts, the Wildwanders, under cover of darkness, slipped, slipped away from the great volcano and made their way north and east. But the Great Thaust was not fooled. Dragons know instinctively when something has been removed from their kingdom. He called his generals and explained that he was missing items, Gnomish items. The Generals responded quickly, ran after the Gnomes, and trapped them just short of the Deadlands. Then, a great battle ensued. The Gnomes, with their artifacts, fought bravely and many Dragonborn fell dead. Kobolds fell off cliffs in droves. At the last, Thumbaltortandistal, the Red Worm, son of Thaust, came face to face with the frightened Gnomes. Thumb, as he was known, suddenly started and stepped back. For an instant, the Worm stared at the teleportation circle inscribed upon the rocky floor of the valley. Then he turned to the illusionary Gnomes that stoutly defended the circle, fear etched into their faces, as they slowly dissolved. Thumb then reared up and gave a great roar, then slammed down on all fours and vented his flaming breath where the Gnomes had been. Foiled! The Gnomes, safe at Streamside, far from the lava floes of Thaustophantalast's mountain, rejoiced in their good fortune upon returning home singed, but alive, and in possession of their great wealth once again.

The Conflict


Thaustophantalast, a red dragon, was given a great relic in payment of services rendered, the destruction of the Gnome University in University Park, Streamside. The employers were members of a religious sect devoted to the purity of their land, free of heretical knowledge.


Thaustophantalast lets the matter go. He deems the Gnome treasure to be but books and trinkets. Still he has possession of the relic given to him as payment.


Possibly, there may be a new Gnomish University, now that much of the great library has been discovered.

Historical Significance

In Literature

Some of the knowledge contained in the books comes all the way down through the ages from The Landing!

Technological Advancement

There are several books written in computer programming languages.
Wildwander Camp Base Map Image
Battlefield Type


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