Ou'o Species in Núreht | World Anvil
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Ou'o (ouʔˈou)

An anivorous (spirit-eating) species indigenous to Aeho'ai, ou'o originated in the tropical rainforests of Mauhia and Waiaka but are now found throughout the continent, with some countries having developed national breeds such as the Kaaulili Black and the Mauhi'wae Lacewing.


Ou'o are voracious predators whose main prey are nīnōwū - a broad class of spirit that includes parasites that infect the young and infirm, spirits associated with causing rot and decay, and petty malevolent beings analogous to the Erwān bæl-gast. This diet contributed to a mutually beneficial cohabitation with Kana'ōnah, and they are have been kept domestically since the fourth Age, primarily to clean nest sites and protect vulnerable flock-members. In recent years, their affable and expressive personalities have contributed to ou'o becoming popular pets among non-kana'ōnah, but they are considered an invasive species outside of Aeho'ai.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Ou'o are hermaphrodites, posessing both male and female sexual organs. After a successful mating, the fertilised egg is stored and remain within the body until the adult's death, at which point they begin to develop rapidly.   If an ou'o is no incapacitated to the point of being unable to hunt, it will retreat to a safe place and build a cocoon from a silk-like substance called nāukai, which is produced in an organ similar to a crop. When suitably cocooned, the nāukai and the ou'o's skin dry and harden into a protective shell and the ou'o enters a comatose state. This tiggers the development of the embryos stored in the reproductive sac. The young develop entirely within the adult's body and emerge fully-formed and independant. Between 15 and 25 offspring are produced in this manner.   This process is indicated by a swelling at the base of the throat caused by the accumulating nāukai, and may be delayed in domesticated ou'o by the provision of additional food and veterinary care. If the ou'o recovers and the nāukai is no longer needed, it will be digested.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ou'o live in flocks of up to 30 individuals. They have a strictly enforced hierachy that governs feeding, mating, and nesting privileges. The leader of the flock establishes a territory and locates nesting sites; if these prove to be unsatisactory over a period of time, the rest of the flock may choose to depose the leader, reducing it to the bottom of the social order. In some cases, an ousted leader may be ejected entirely and chased from the flock's territory; a lone ou'o may attempt to join another flock, but will rarely rise in rank.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like other anivores, ou'o are attenuated to nonphysical realms and are able to see and interact with spirits directly.
by Dim Hou
Mauhi'wae Lacewing
Scientific Name
hnywaleardh dywi
Average Weight
3Kg – 3.5Kg
Geographic Distribution
by Michael Anfang
Kaaulili Black

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Jul 5, 2021 16:12 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great article! This is some very interesting biology there! Like some baby aliens ready to burst from their parent's body O_o