Battle of the Ignan Throne Military Conflict in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Battle of the Ignan Throne

The Battle for the Ignan Throne was the final fight between the Sisters of Sorrow and the Froghemoth Five, led by Sir Julien Hawthorne. It resulted in the defeat of the Sisters of Sorrow and the destruction of the Eye and Hand of Vecna, which were in their possession.   The Froghemoth Five consisted of the following five heroes, who officially reunited for the first time in seventeen years after their famous Y1053 victory against the Froghemoth of Sona:

The Conflict


Far larger forces that had previously tried to retake the Malakaran throne had failed, as the sisters commanded a nearly endless army of wraiths and fire elementals to call forth as they approached. The Five were already small in number, but well-known enough for their deeds that they could not risk detection. Furthermore, the Sisters were well-known to unleash incredible fury on any group that approached them with two members bearing blades, due to the Prophecy of Vecna's Demise.   Sir Julien proposed the risky strategy of having Lady Gjuy cast the spell Sequester on every member of the party except himself, shrinking each of their bodies with a Potion of Reduction to carry hidden on his person, and approaching the Sisters to challenge them to a duel seemingly on his own. The Sisters were delighted by this act of hubris and gladly attacked him themselves, at which point the Sequesters broke and the entire party attacked.


The Sisters of Sorrow were decisively killed, and Nákhira Rangatir'peléa assumed the throne of the Phoenix Regnant. (This made her the first, and so far only, person to hold the titles of both Phoenix Regnant and Rangatira.)


"It was nothing special, you know? Like every other eye I've ever stabbed through, like every other limb I've ever severed. Their bodies burnt in the lava the way you'd expect. Kind of anti-climactic, if I'm being honest with you. Prophecies are overrated."
—Sir Julien Hawthorne, on destroying the Eye and Hand of Vecna

The Prophecy of Vecna's Demise was fulfilled. As of Y1111, the Eye and Hand of Vecna have never been seen again.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The defeat of the Sisters of Sorrow

Cover image: by Mandy Beerley


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