The Volcanic Eruption of 1459 2.E. Physical / Metaphysical Law in Orya | World Anvil
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The Volcanic Eruption of 1459 2.E.

In the year of 1459 2.E. a large volcano that sat on the eastern side of the main continent of Orya erupted. The mountain had been billowing smoke for a few days before the eruption, leaving the residents of towns near the base of the mountain a few days' notice to get to safety. However, this would prove impossible.   The volcano, formally dubbed "Champion's Oven", stood at over 5,000 meters tall, and separated a sizable portion of land towards the coast from the mainland. It had been dormant for nearly 6,000 years, and was rumored to have the sleeping Champion of Sola underneath it. Near it's base were several villages, totaling about 18,000 Cragmeri and Gryfonna, though the evidence of their existence is very scarce.   Prior to its eruption, Champion's Oven had been billowing smoke for 6 days, giving the 18,000 residents a warning of its impending explosion. The villages on the seaward side of the volcano packed into boats and sailed off shore, hoping to put enough distance between them and the massive volcano. Villages on the opposite side of the volcano traveled west, and traversed through mountains that slowed them down heavily. Their efforts, on both sides, ended in vain when the volcano erupted.   The eruption was massive, far larger than anticipated, sending smoke and debris thousands of kilometres into the air. The top of the mountain exploded in a violent burst of debris and lava, sending shock waves, searing hot rocks and lava flying for hundreds of kilometres in every direction. The shock waves caused tall waves of water near the shore, capsizing some boats while others were destroyed by the debris. On the opposite side, the shock waves caused a series of rock slides that crushed many of the Cragmeri and Gryfonna that had been too slow to escape. It seemed like every part of the volcano's eruption had been designed to eliminate those villages and the people that lived within them from existence.

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