The Entreat Physical / Metaphysical Law in Poraile | World Anvil
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The Entreat

The dwarves of Gildegan were well-known for their metalworking and stonemasonry, so they looked to expand deeper into their mines and increase their fortunes. For this enterprise, trees in now unseen quantities were sacrificed to their forges to keep their machines running and their forges burning. Their land of once bountiful countryside was scarred and deforestation was ripe.   Little did they know that the true owners of these trees had been watching. The ents warned the dwarves to be more responsible and take good care of their bounty, else they would see how their country prospered without them. The dwarves dismissed this threat - doubtful that any tree could be politely asked to be moved by anything other than axe - and continued their work.    When supplies of wood next grew low, the woodsmen ascended to the surface and found all their glades were gone. The acres of canopies, the bushes and grand oaks, all were gone. It was all too bizarre to be real, but all too true to be a dream. In a vain hope that they could restore the forests on their own, the woodsmen planted seeds and cuttings in their place.    Once again, these trees were taken once they'd fully grown. Outraged, the dwarves realised that they were stolen by the ents. With no way to restore their lands, they retreated underground and never ventured again to the surface. The plains they left behind improved over the centuries but never regrew into the forests of old that the dwarves and [elves loved before.


Once the trees were moved, the effects were harsh. In the summer months, the land went through severe drought. When it rained, the valleys flooded. Cold winters became unbearable and summer heat blazed through the sky as if in a desert.


The aftermath of this is localised in the eastern region of Poraile, mostly affecting Gildegan and the dwarven popoulation residing there. After hundreds of years and assistance from their light elf neighbours, the landscape is becoming more fertile and able to nurture fields of grass. It'll be a long while yet before it can support crops or trees again.

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