Glevia disaster Military Conflict in Porte | World Anvil
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Glevia disaster

Oh The Great Robbecus, third prince of an ancient empire. I was told he was the strongest gifted in the empire. I was told his heart remained breathing to this day after defying the goddess Artemis. I was told he governed Terra Separ home of the Etruscans, Osrea home of the Macedonians and even the Female Isles Themyscira and Delos who even Alexander couldn't conquer. I was told he has never lost a battle. Yet the moment he led his campaign sceptics doubters and cynics surrounded him. Yet those under him rightfully lacked any faith. For he has the highest record of Pyrrhic victories of the time. For he has the largest casualties due arrogance and impetuous habits. And so I've set the stage for complete annihilation. -Segestes Lord of Belgae



The roman empire, a state remaining to stand strong defying its claustrum's fate, its borders pushed back to the rich eastern lands of Western-Asia and Stercos by the Frankish king Clovis in 1453 f.R. (fundamentum Roma). The islands of Terra Separ, Africa, Martons and Eremus were back under Imperial rule during the rule of Justinian the Great and Theodora the Great. After Justinian's death the open war became a stalemate. Each side did their occasional skirmishes or raised but none were strong enough to land a decisive blow. After the death of Clovis a series of succession wars erupted in the Frankish kingdom resulting in an opportune moment for reconquest. However, the Islamic arrival and the competition for influence in Mesopotamia withheld most of the Roman attention. After almost 350 years was the Roman Empire finally able to look west, but the arrival of Charlemagne complicated things.

Roman Offensive

14th February 1803 f.R. four Roman legions under the command of Robbecus Petrus Lustinianus and Alexandra Philaidae Miltiades sent by emperor Bartholomeus Petrus Lustianus Tantum leave the port at Terrum and sail to Jupitus. While travelling they are attacked by Amazonian raiders but manage to fend them off and take their home islands, defying the goddess Artemis. Yet they survive by gaining her favour.   5th March 1803 f.R. the legions arrive at the southern city. Using a small elite force the imperial generals are able to sneak into the city during the night and open the gates. conquering Jupitus without any bloodshed.   10th March 1803 f.R. Charlemagne arrives with his army and the battle for Juptitus began.   31st March 1803 f.R. The Romans win with a pyrrhic victory, 3/4 of legionnaires are dead or unfit to fight.   7th May 1803 f.R. The Roman 5000-strong army leaves port for Ostrum.   7th June 1803 f.R. The Legions arrive in Ostrum but things go south quickly. During a walk, both generals are imprisoned by the wary Macedonians. While seeking information they push Robbecus too far and cause him to beserk, mostly levelling the city to the ground and bringing Ostrea under imperial control. Robbecus falls into a coma for a month.   1st August 1803 f.R. The legions leave for Glevum, Robbecus has partially recovered.   10th August 1803 f.R. The legions have arrived.

Belgae preparations

In the aftermath of the battle of Jupitus the son of Segestes the lord of Belgae who has the blood of Armenius infiltrates the Roman army under Robbecus and Alexandra. He has the skill to mimic anyone he touches. The spy reports every two days using Hermóðr runes and delivers false information to the Romans. When Segestes gains the information that the army is going to move to his domain he starts to prepare a proper greeting  

The ambush

  Once the army has landed in the imperially controlled Glevum scouts were sent to Baia to determine if the reports of the abandonment of the Western frontier by Frankish forces were true. Once the generals concluded these reports were truthfully they marched to Baia. The knowledge the generals had was based on reports of a standoff between an imperial army under Maethor and Frankish forces under the lord of Belgae around Rome. This is why the Frankish lord concentrated his forces and left his domain unguarded. These reports were however written by the spy. Maethor was sieging Apolli and the lord was still in his domain. Sensing an opportunity general Robbecus sent the entire cavalry under Alexandra to patrol around Baia to prevent any communications between the city and its lord while force marching the legionnaires. The remaining two legates were against this idea along with general Alexandra but were forced to comply with the princes' orders. The scouts that earlier confirmed the lack of Frankish soldiers were led by the infiltrator. The scouts' party was butchered and replaced with Franks. These infiltrators let Frankish forces inside the army after the first and second day of marching. During the third day of marching, it happened. The army following the scouts' recommendation traversed the old not maintained roads with woods going along it. The trap closed with Robbecus in the centre of it. First, a volley with crossbow bolts followed up by a charge. But Roman discipline did not collapse. The infiltrated Franks had gathered beforehand around Robbecus and attempted to strike him down but failed, killing many Romans nevertheless. Scorpios were concentrated on the prince yet they only managed to shoot one volley, killing a legate who sacrificed himself for the prince who then destroyed them. The lord of Belgae saw no further option but to tire out the Romans while cycling his troops. This took for hours and in the end, was his biggest mistake for the Frankish infiltrators near Alexandra had failed to assassinate her. She arrived right on time to save what was left of the army while delivering devastating casualties. After the Romans were able to flee the damage he refused to push further. Segestes had achieved most of his goals. Delaying the Romans, blowing a crippling hit and dissuading them from entering his domain. Killing the Robbecus and Alexandra was going to be too costly to gain anything in return.  
Do you really want to know what happened that day? Let me tell you, it was a nightmare! The OOOOO SO GREAT Robbecus decided the force march to Baia against any sane advice and sent the cavalry ahead leaving us footmen vulnerable. We all knew it would be the end of us if we were attacked but by a miracle, we weren't. The first day went by, then the second. Then came the third. Some of us thought our silver commander was right for once and were singing. Those bright enough to realize he wasn't would've normally told them to quit but we were to tired to do anything but march and fear for our lives. A sudden hornblowshook us awake. It was a Roman one so I and probably the entire army were confused. Then comrades with who I've fought with in even the wars in Mesopotamia dropped left and right of me with arrows sticking out of their throats. I quickly raised my shield and joined the already-formed shield wall. Out of the woods, an army of heavily armoured Franks charged at us with deafening screams. The centurions told us to hold but we all knew we were fucked... a sudden clear voice told us to stand and fight if we were going to survive this, so we did. Fending us multiple charges, even heavy cavalry while being under constant volleys of arrows, rocks and even Scorpio. I kept blocking strikes and stabbing for hours, until only small pockets remained and even they started to collapse. After fighting for such a long time my shield finally broke and Zeus showed us favour. The cavalry had arrived, pushing the tired barbarians back into the forest and leading us to our camp of yesterday where we could reorganize and retreat. -Roman legionnaire
      Aftermath After such a slugging match only 1/5th remained with which they entered the forest. The legions were disbanded and Robbecus was recalled to the capital and needed months to recover fully while Alexandra had to govern the lands under their jurisdiction. The emperor Bartholomeus took command of the offensive completing another step in Charlemagne's plan to unify the Roman Empire and end the long con. While this is only a victory against a small Roman force it made the Romans more cautious and reluctant to aggressive moves depriving them from many opportunities.  
by game Old world

Historical Significance


It's the turning point where Robbecus start to learn who he needs to become and what's worth protecting and the start of the end for the Julian dynasty.

In Literature

Many stories will be written about this in Western Porte, how the Christians have defeated the pagan Romans and nearly killed the worst pagan of all Robbecus. Likewise Romans will later pick this up and Romanticize it as a necessary battle to enlighten yourself.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
13th August 1803 f.R.
Ending Date
16th August 1803 f.R.
Conflict Result


  • West-Porta
    Western civilizations from the world Clustrum arrive here (Clustrum is our world). With that I mean: Greeks, Macedonians, Romans, Celts, Carthaginians, Byzantines, Etruscans etc.
Kaiser Karl der Große by Albrecht Dürer

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Cover image: Teutoburg by LarryWilson


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