Elevator Pitch in PowerPunk Earth | World Anvil
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Elevator Pitch

Humanity has hit a major crossroad, one leading to a sci-fi paradise while the other leads to a cynical tech-based nightmare. Super science is becoming mainstream and for everyone, it feels like the day before cyberpunk. Like the major breakthrough that will make everything feel like “The Future” is just on the horizon. This foreseen breakthrough is here but not in the form of a technological advancement.   A new breed of humanity is rising from the masses, blessed and cursed with strange new powers. The quick, clever, and powerful of humanity have taken notice of these people of tomorrow; but instead of asking what this means for humanity, they have taken to capturing, hiding and ensnaring their “could be saviors” and setting them to the task of fighting for the obsolete agendas of yesterday.   The shadowy bad guys that have been keeping the super people a secret have started fighting each other using their collections of power wielding individuals. This is taking their attention from containing the super people. Worse for them, the mutant power people of tomorrow are still showing up and now in greater number. Not all are content to stay in the shadows or be pawns in the game of others. They seek to reshape the world to their own liking, for better or worse.   That might not be such a bad thing; corruption in government and business have risen obscenely. Crime is comically prevalent but society has become so morally blase that they accept and expect all of it; seeing where they can play this system for their own benefit. The good people accept being victims and the bad people have no problem using the victims but it's not too late to save people. It would just take a miracle or maybe super powers.

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Oct 12, 2018 11:25

Humanity has hit a major crossroad, one leading to a sci-fi paradise, the other leads to a cynical tech-based nightmare.
  Oof. Man, that hits home: though with the closing paragraph, it sounds like the setting has plunged head long into Cyberpunk territory. Is that intended? Or are we still on the edge? :)  
Humanity has hit a major crossroad, one leading to a sci-fi paradise, the other leads to a cynical tech-based nightmare.
  Consider swapping the second period for a "while" or "and".  
From among the masses there are new, better people rising; mutant people and super people.
  better people, mutant people and super people reads a little strange to me. Maybe consider rewriting it into something a little more punchy and emphatic like "a new breed of humanity is rising from the masses, blessed and cursed with strange new powers." or something like that?  
setting them to the task of fighting for the obsolete agendas of yesterday.
  I really like this line <3  
New "could be saviors" neither content with staying in the shadows nor happy to play super muscle goon for pay, are moving to end the world as we know it, for better or worse.
  This reads a little clunky. I'd consider rewriting it, maybe splitting it in two. "Not all are content to stay in the shadows or be pawns in the game of others. They seek to reshape to world to their own liking, for better or worse" - as an example. :)  
That might not be such a bad thing though, corruption in government and business have risen obscenely and crime is comically prevalent but society has become so morally blase that they accept and expect all of it, seeing where they can play this system for their own benefit.
  This is a little long of a sentence. Consider splitting it up a bit :)     I like it! Sounds like a neat sort of combination between cyberpunkyness, superpoweryness and super scienceyness!

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Oct 13, 2018 04:12

I wanted to cover two things one was how close to the cyberpunk bleeding edge we were and the other was to capture that feeling. The day before cyberpunk captured that feeling for me and I really hope it shares that image to others. As for the long sentence at the end...well...I have a problem with punctuation.   Thank you for looking over this and helping to clean it up.

Oct 12, 2018 18:44

I like it! This is a really good article, I think, with a lot that draws me in and a nice, casual tone, good for an elevator pitch. What I think it could use is stylistically, maybe a quote that sets the tone from in-world and maybe using the sidebar for links. Great job overall!

Oct 13, 2018 04:17

Thank you for looking over this. I was was really aiming to stay under a minute and got everything covered initially at 140 words. Since 300 is the minimum though I needed to fluff it.   I wish I thought of sidebar with links but I worry that it would be redundant because of the homepage. Thank you for the compliment though, its appreciated

Oct 17, 2018 05:39 by Ademal

This does a great job setting the stage and tone of your world, but I'd like to see you tackle it with more drama, or perhaps pad out the sidebar with an in-universe quote or some articleblock links to other important articles.   My first question, and the easy one, is: where do I go from here. This article is great but it physically leads nowhere, there's no links to follow. From here I have to go back up to your world and browse. You've got a good opportunity here to trick me into branching out by making all the exciting words and statements link off to their related articles. Take advantage of that.   My other question, which is more worldbuildy: how do the governments of the world handle this revelation?

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