Scatfari Prose in Ruggantu | World Anvil
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The language of White dragons

Description and story. Language proofreading by Tris

Written by Meevee

Brief characteristics of White dragons:
White dragons, or Scatfars, live in the west of Ruggantu in the Valley of Eternal Drought. They are not downright hostile, but they do not like Nanomages. They hide among the mountains, piles of rocks or under the hot sandy ground. They are bright and plain white. They protects Ruggantu from the Black dragons, or Noxgers, wich live in the depths below the Ruggantu's surface and want to get back to the surface to unleash Chaos. White dragons therefore keep peace and order on the surface of Ruggantu.
White dragon by Antonio J. Manzanedo

Communication with Scatfari:

No one, except the great Serpentus, has ever managed to understand and communicate with the White dragons. All we know is that they do not understand the language of the Nanomages and vice versa. White dragon language is named after their race - Scatfari. With it, they communicate with each other, but hearing Scatfari is very rare. Although these dragons are solitary, they can live in pairs.  

Dragologists from Gradmalg:

In the southern part of Ruggantu is the town of Gradmalg, which is famous for the Dragon Shrine. Here, all kinds of dragons are studied, their languages are translated, their way of life is taught, and the way of living together is being sought. Some dragologists (those interested in dragons and learning or teaching in the shrine) are fortunate enough to find a dragon to communicate with and learn the secrets of their language.
Gradmalg by Meevee

Whitedragon symbols, written in Scatfari:

Dragologist Hugogo, decades ago, discovered messages and inscriptions in a special style. Later, the research team of translators and dragologist discovered that it was a written form of Scatfari that dragons engraved on rocks, stones, or ground with claws. After several years of hard work, the written Scatfari was translated into the symbols of the Nanomages, but the written words and messages made no sense. But dragons, according to theory, mark areas, territories, or warn of something.

Here is an example of Whitedragon symbols.
Scatfari - Whitedragon symbols by Meevee

"Spoken" Scatfari:

It is found that words are no longer than 5 syllables. Dragons use only a few words/sentences. According to the records, they are audibly repeated. The spoken Scatfari has not yet been translated and the written words have no meaning for us.

Whitedragon artifact - Scroll of Understanding Scatfari:

The scroll, which is hidden and guarded in the Dragon Shrine, was written bySerpentus himself. However, the inscription on this scroll makes sense to us, the words are written in the language of the Nanomages and it says:
"Only the one with the blood of the White dragon can understand Scatfari." - Serpentus
Since then, for decades, they have been going to the Dragon Shrine, those who have the potential for the blood of the White Dragon in their veins.
Scroll of Understanding Scatfari by Serpentus (Meevee)
White Dragon Blood: According to the legendary scroll, Scatfari be only mastered if one has Whitedragon blood. He can then translate Scatfari and even communicate with the dragons. No one has ever born or known, to have that. The " Chosen" with Whitedragon's blood should be of a lighter skin tone, almost as white as a dragon, and should have excellent sight and perception. Dragologists believe that if someone takes control of Scatfari and communicates with the dragon, he can become a Dragon Rider, or “domesticate dragons”.
Some are obsessed with the idea of a "domesticating dragons".

Transcribed Whitedragon Symbols

Translated Whitedragon symbols by Meevee

Story about Princess Teressa, the missing dragon princess

Princess Teressa, a Sand- Nanomage, ruled 97 years ago, in the Valley of Sandmages. She was beautiful, wise and her light blue-white eyes were known all around, but since she learned about the existence of White dragons, she became completely obsessed with the them. She wanted to own a dragon, to have as a protector, pet and companion. She tried various spells and rituals to achive this.

Princess and Scatfari

  Instructing her brother Prince Delloran to oversee the Valley of Sandmages, she first set out for the Kingdom of Gradalgia. She learned about Stacfari and began studying it in the Dragon Shrine. At that time she was only 24 years old and became the first and youngest dragologist from another land. She spent too much time at translating Scatfari, and people were worried about her. She didn't sleep, eat or talk to anyone. She just read old books describing Scatfari. Princess Teressa also tried to write a complete Dictionary of Scatfari by Princess Teressa.
If she wasn't in the Dragon Shrine, she was in the Valley of Eternal Drought watching the dragons, listening to Scatfari, and occasionally trying to communicate with them. Notes of this were found in her diaries, but they are largely crossed out, because the described methods, sentences or words did not succeed to drag the dragons out. Everyone thought she was practically crazy. She had a dragon stick made, and she even dressed in white clothing, wearing a dragon crown, and some said she even behaved like a dragon. She kept trying to speak Scatfari and write in it. When she returned to the Valley of Sandmages for a few days, her own brother, Prince Delloran, did not recognize her, and the following exchange was written in his diary:   Delloran: "Welcome back home, sister Teressa!"
Teressa: "Duhata netar hepale"
Delloran: "What did you say? Spells are forbidden in the palace ..."
Teressa: "Demmo dakaro surpes"
Delloran: "Sister, your...language...scares me. You must have lost your"
Teressa: "Farsi lugero"

The missing "dragon" princess

  One day, the princess disappeared. She went out to try out her latest method and simply didn't come back. Her crown was found in the temple Nefri Tarfi, where the first White Dragon Nefri is buried. There was a sentence in Scatfari written on the floor with dried blood, which no one was able to decipher. Theories vary, some say the princess sacrified herself to the dragons in change of having Whitedragon blood, some say the dragons killed her and left her blood there as a warning. Someone even saw a dragon with her stunning eyes, so maybe she did become a dragon. The last theory says she remains trapped in a dragon palace somewhere underground, because she managed to translate Scatfari without actually being worthy to do that.
After almost 100 years, it is possible that the translation of Scatfari and his knowledge was taken by Princess Teressa to the Shadow Realm, or one day she would return.

Therefore, Scatfari remains to be the sole language of the White dragons and not the Nanomages. For now.

Here's a dictionary if you haven't noticed it in the story: Dictionary of Scatfari by Princess Teressa.




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Jan 18, 2020 21:51 by Jacob Billings

Lovely article you have here. In spirit of the competition, I suggest that you re-read the competition page. You seem to be edging on the side of the story, though missing several large components.  

  1. You are meant to have an article, with a dictionary, that is in the language template.
    • You need the dictionary somewhere in your article, whether through embedding or a link to the article
  2. You are nearing the purpose of the challenge, though the purpose is the use the dictionary to involve your language is a single short story centered around your language.

Jan 18, 2020 21:52 by Jacob Billings

Linked that wrong: competition page

Jan 20, 2020 08:27 by Matěj Špelina

Thank you very much for your feedback and advice. The dictionary (link) is in the story of Princess Teressa - Dictionary of Scatfari by Princess Teressa‌. I will try to improve this article. It's very nice of you and thank you again.