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James Mockingbird

Captain James Mockingbird

“Here he is again, flouncing around with his crew. Drinking all our booze. The quicker he’s gone, the better.”
  James Mockingbird. Captain James Mockingbird. As everyone says, spends his time ‘flouncing’ around with his crew and a ship that he commandeered. It’s a hard life being a pirate, but ol’ Mockingbird makes the most of it. It runs in his blood. His father was a pirate, his father’s father was a pirate, and we don’t talk about his father’s father’s father.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

James is very fit from many years of running from the law. Despite this, he has grown a considerate ‘beer belly’ from his many nights of drinking.

Facial Features

James sports a braided beard, complete with beads and charms from his many different adventures. The braids are so thick you could probably hide a knife in there.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When James was born, it wasn’t in the best circumstances. James’ father had spent the night in The Lazy Dragon and had spent some time with another patron of the tavern. Things escalated as the night went on, and the woman became pregnant. Nine months after this incident, James was born.   The mother immediately left James with his father, she could barely afford to feed herself, let alone a family! James’ father went back out to sea to seek new horizons, however when James reached 10 and had lived and breathed as a pirate, James was left to find his own ship and crew to join and he would be visited regularly. It was for his own good.   James joined a trading crew, and after many years of servitude with nothing but a few gold coins in exchange. He soon led a mutiny, where he and several other crew members overthrew the ship and left the others to fend for themselves in the ocean.   After several happy years spent sailing the seas, James and his crew decided that they didn’t have enough income coming in, and so they started stealing things. James’ name is said with a bitter hint in many places, either because he stole an heirloom or drank all of a stock of booze.


James was never educated, he was just shown the ways of the world by his father.

Personality Characteristics


James Mockingbird is seemingly driven by money and only money. He may be motivated by other things, however he certainly hasn’t let anyone seen that side of him.

Vices & Personality flaws

James is addicted to nothing more than alcohol. If he’s drinking something other than booze, it’s not him.


James doesn’t care about hygiene, as long as you’re not dead then you can’t be doing anything wrong.

Wealth & Financial state

James owes a lot of money to a lot of people, however doesn’t plan on ever giving it back. His extensive riches consist of 3 gold coins, half a silver coin he picked up on the floor, and several strips of beef jerky.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Rich brown, with red blotches.
Dreadlocked black hair, beads braided in from various different adventures.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned white, but you can hardly tell due to all of the dirt.

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