Royal Museum of History Building / Landmark in Sleyterra | World Anvil

Royal Museum of History

Hallowed Halls

The Royal Museum of History is a popular attraction in Bayton. It has an impressive facade with sleek lines and large features that resemble carved stones. There are large panes of glass that allow a peek into the exhibits beyond. At the center of the museum is an ancient castle that has been actively studied since before the museum's construction. The sleek exterior is a tribute to the new development of magitechture, the blending of traditional archetecture and modern magic techniques.

Constructing the Museum

Oscana drafted its best and brightest in the fields of archetecture, magic, stone masonry, art, glass making, and every other skill they could think of to create this striking building. Mages used specially crafted spells to aid in achieving the design and strengthen the exterior walls as well as the large panes of seamless glass. This resulted in a high quality museum with nearly impentatrable defenses built directly into the construction process. This was a huge expense and caused conflict at all levels of government, which caused delays, which meant the price was driven up. It was originally planned to be built over 10 years, but wasn't complete until 25 years after the ground was broken.


The Royal Museum of History is home to the country's most important artifacts and scrolls. Ancient tablets that have been studied and translated are displayed alongside significant art pieces and mysterious objects that have yet to give up their secrets. One of the most significant pieces in the museum is a portrait of Ophimae Strativa, the beautiful piece is a newer addtion and its restoration was completed ten years ago. It is considered a wonder by some who journey to see it, and overrated by others who make the same efforts. Arguements happen daily infront of the portrait and security is a heavy presence.

An archive under the basement has been constructed to prevent fire, flood, magical interference, and maintain precise climate settings. In this archive scholars work tirelessly to translate, restore, and interpret ancient scrolls, books, and documents. Some of the strangest scrolls are kept in a back corner, with a locking door and a thick wall between them and more delicate works. These are scrolls that have been recovered from the towers and workshops of The Ancient Mage Banon. These scrolls have been steeped in magic and archivists report strange things happening around the scrolls. Naturally none of these scrolls are ever put on display, and special permissions are required to enter their storage area.


Magitechture is a process where magic is applied during the construction of buildings to reinforce areas of the structure. The process was developed in Oscana and is a closely guarded state secret. Buildings made this way require fewer materials, less interior supports, and boast some of the best security in the world. Oscana will rent out their services to build for anyone willing to pay the steep price for their services. Ustrana's Grand Palace and Virstas Academy in Shov Stril are some of the most notable commissions, but wealthy nobles and merchants have taken advantage of these services.

Using this construction method as a foriegner is a big power move and show of strength, importance, and wealth. This mentality has led a few aspiring individuals to bankrupt themselves attempting to comission services from Oscana.

Word is taxes are going up again this year, that damned museum is going to bankrupt us and still never be finished.
— Disgruntled Citizen
When I went to see Ophimae's portrait I was happily married. The arguement we had there was so bad we ended up being escorted out and dissolving our marriage over it. It was worth it, getting to see Ophimae though. She's probably the most beautiful woman to ever live.
— Overheard in a Pub
All images in this article were created in MidJourney by RandoScorpio, all edits and changes made to these images were done by RandoScorpio.


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Aug 17, 2022 21:26 by Nobody liveshere

The pub comment left me chuckling---divorce over a portrait. LOL

Aug 17, 2022 22:44 by RandoScorpio

Some people take their art very seriously. Obviously, they would have had problems before that, but it felt like a fun touch.