Fera Geographic Location in Starlight Travel Company | World Anvil
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The planet of Fera is the home to the Fexian people and the center of the government for the United Democratic States. It has one of the most diverse ecosystems in the galaxy. While the planet was only on the brink of environmental collapse, through the efforts of the people there they turned it around and saved many organisms that are loved by the galaxy.


The planet is filled with trees and plains with a temperate climate. There is very little geological activity underneath it's surface and as a result there are not many mountains to explore on it. There many beautiful lakes and rivers with no distinct bodies of salt water or ocean.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the planet has a very docile ecosystem, but doesn't mean there isn't anything worth seeing.
  • Lyxia: They are glowing insects that have the appearance of fuzzy orbs. Their biolumance can be seen from even space in large gathers. Some even compare them to fairies. 
  • Mulaboc: These large trees are the largest in the known galaxy and can span tens of meters wide. 
  • Rusalez: A glowing blue flower that illuminates at night. These very cultural significant to the fexian people and are considered sacred. 


Most of the planet has a very docile ecosystem, but doesn't mean there isn't anything worth seeing.
  • Fera's Star Yards: Some of the largest planetary shipyards ever constructed. Viewing them can be a sight to behold as they maintain and build starships of military and commercial use. 
  • Forest of Lessna: One of the oldest forest on the planet. It is considered a natural sanctuary as it holds creatures that are very rare and valuable in many industries. They are carefully collected and protected here. 
Dagoabh by Unknown
Owning Organization

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Cover image: Dagoabh by Unknown


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