Vex-Lemur Species in Tales of Corvinium | World Anvil
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Vex-lemurs are an invasive prosimian species found in @Corvinium and nearby areas, originating in northern Etra.

The popular custom among Corvinian nobility of keeping lemurs and lorises as pets dates back almost two centuries, not long after the fall of the kingdom of Narva. It was brought to Corvinium and the other Greenrim city-states from Qafran and Kashgari merchant prices who had taken it up from contact with Umbao and its neighbors in Etra, and the lemur trade became a major industry by 460 FY. The initial species brought in were the products of thousand-year Umbai breeding programs to produce friendly and companionable animals, breeds that continue to be prized throughout the region. However, a grey-market industry quickly arose from collecting and farming wild specimens; the vex-lemur is descended from one of these lines, never successfully domesticated and quickly gone feral in urban Corvinium.

Vex-lemurs travel in troops through Corvinium's streets, nesting especially in the rooftops of abandoned structures and in temples with little regular traffic. They are found throughout the city, but are most common in areas like South Warren where derelict buildings are more numerous. A vex-lemur troop is a chaotic and fenzied encounter; the members are uncannily coordinated and unafraid to mix with crowds of people, stealing trinkets from hands and pockets, eating food from plates, and leaping swiftly away while urinating and defecating everywhere. If pursued, vex-lemurs are notorious for flinging feces at their aggressors, and if cornered bite and scratch viciously. They especially love to steal shiny objects and gorge on sweets, and are sometimes known to glut themselves on intoxicants.

In contrast to the silver, red, and black pelts of their domesticated cousins, vex-lemurs are a mottled grey-brown, with eyes the color of brass coins. Their fur is thick and well-adapted to the chilly climate of northern Bresas. A vex-lemur is about the size of a housecat, and has a distinctive musk from its wrist glands that it uses to mark territory. Troops range in size from ten to over thirty, though larger sizes are much less common.


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