Great Earthquake of Diakai Physical / Metaphysical Law in Teneterra | World Anvil
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Great Earthquake of Diakai


The Great Earthquake of Diakai occurred about fifty years before the Second Satri Invasion of Diakai. Because Diakai exists on a fault line, it is regularly rocked with earthquakes. The Great Earthquake - as it was known by contemporary writers - spanning much of the central coast of Diakai. It destroyed buildings and created tidal waves in the sea between the central and west peninsulas. The earthquake lasted no more than half a minute, but there were several aftershocks. The waves followed soon after and struck the land minutes to hours later.


Hardest hit was Tegira. Not far from the epicenter, the city was devastated. The public square was left a jagged mess, two of the largest city temples crumbled, as did countless homes, shops, and businesses. Hundreds perished - either crushed beneath falling rubble or trampled in the panic - and thousands more badly were injured. The ensuing tidal waves washed away much of the port, carrying hundreds more and much of the city’s fleet into the sea.    Another city badly damaged was Bygarmi. As they were located not far up the coast from Tegira, it was a ripe target for destruction. Most of the port was washed away, as was the famous fish and slave markets and everyone shopping there.   Many other cities were significantly damaged. It cost many hundreds of talents for the cities to rebuild themselves. Tegira never fully recovered and remained a shadow of its former self. It was soon conquered and brought under the influence of other, now more powerful, city-states. Even the most influential cities, such as Holermon and Kynthara, were damaged. The cost of repairs was enormous and spurred Holmeron to raid smaller cities allied by Kynthara after spending much of their gold and silver. It sparked the Holermon-Kynthara War, which ravaged Diakai for the next two decades. The Diakai were on the verge of recovering from that conflict when the Satri Empire invaded.

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