The Shattering Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

The Shattering

Deep in past a natural disaster of cataclysmic proportions devastated the continent of Pedrellis. This event became know as "The Shattering" as Pedrellis was ripped into four smaller subcontinents by massive tectonic shifts. These shifts were the natural results of a magically induced catastrophe the likes of which have only been seen a few times in Traith's history. A powerful cabal of Yuan-ti sorcerers whos name has been lost to history performed a ritual at the Site of the Gazing Golems. They were attempting to amplify the epic magics they was casting in an effort to bring forth their dark deity onto Traith. Their ultimate goal was to enslave or mutate all the races of Traith to suit their vision.   Magic thrummed through the air it was almost palatable. The sky's darkened, streaks of purple lightning crawling across the heavens in every direction of the stratosphere day quickly became night. A portal to another plane, dimension, or world began to open eclipsing the sun. Snakes, serpents and reptiles of all variations and stages of evolution began to raining out the tear that now occupied the sky above Pedrellis.   The entire continent began to quake and shudder uncontrollably as the portal expanded. Deep beneath Traith's surface powerful magical energies surged and pulsated unchecked triggering massive earthquakes that ripped open chasms running the lengths of Pedrellis.. The bigger the portal became the faster the continent was torn apart.   The shores of Pedrellis were being bombarded consistently by waves averaging at least twenty feet tall. The longer the portal stayed open the more devastating the wave became. At its pinnacle tsunami waves of ninety feet tall were smashing down on every coastline of Pedrellis.   Finally a brave band heroes arrived but it had been no easy task for them as the calamity raged above their heads and beneath their feet. These heroes had been moving against the Yuan-ti Sorcerers for sometime in an effort to thwart their evil plans. Yet to that point had been one step behind every step of the way. They arrived just in time cutting the Yuan-ti Sorcerers down one by one as well as dispatching many of the growing number of adversaries before the ritual could be completed. The over matched heroes then turned their attention to the serpent God who was now forcing its way through the collapsing portal. The heroes stood their ground long enough to prevent the dark entities entrance to Traith. Several of these heroes made the ultimate sacrifice in their defense of Traith. It was over. In the end only three of the ten heroes survived but the damage had been done.   As tidal waves continued to crash down the continent buckled. Four newly formed subcontinents rapidly spread apart with thousand of smaller pieces braking away as tsunamis filled the voids in between. The continent of Pedrellis was no more.   These cataclysmic events closed out the First Age of Traith. They also have proved to be one of the most pivotal moment in Traith long history.


One can use magic almost anywhere on Traith without issues. There are however several locations that are focal points for magical energy. Some are natural and still remain untouched while others like The Site of the Gazing Golems have have been manipulated to provide enhanced levels of spellcasting within its area of effect.

This article has no secrets.


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