Liminit Succession War Military Conflict in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

Liminit Succession War

The death of Pretour Yirril as ruler of Tilman was devastating. Having ruled for only six years no one was expecting his death, this meant that alliances to determine who would have the strongest claim for rulership was still a hot debate.   Tilman is a magocracy, though they are loathe for to rapid of change. So the council of mages looks not only a current power, but also at potential. An aspect of this potential is considered to be hereditary and many families have sorcerous bloodlines. The female bloodline in this case is preferred, though multiple male bloodlines may outweigh that depending on the specific bloodline.    There were about ten mages in consideration for the later rule, pressed into active campaigning once the death was formally announced. It quickly devolved into a series of skirmishes, espionage and was escalating to a full on civil war. Herald Choden of Huin was the one who proposed the solution mined from records of Tilman prior to the Minam Empire when it was previously a hereditary magocacy instead of the current elected magocracy.    The solution was to allow for co-rule. It had been done successfully twice before in Tilman's history. This novel solution did not immediately cease hostilities, but was embraced by two very different mages who were able to convince a majority to allow the co-rule. It is unclear if this solution will work long term, however the wizard Lokesh Shroff and sorcerer Sandhya Kola have been making it work for almost a decade. There are still questions about what happens next. If one dies will there be a replacement to the co-rulership or something else. Hopefully there will be sufficient time to come to a decision before any deaths occur.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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