War of the False Empress Military Conflict in The Denary Realms | World Anvil

War of the False Empress

As far as wars go, there are those that end after there is no blood left to spill, those that end when one has lost as much blood as can be spared, and then there is The War of the False Empress, a war that ended before it even begun, without even as much as a bloody nose.
— War of the False Empress - Herdaumas the Scribe

The Conflict


Queen Nylora Zadelair of the Kingdom of Zadelair had acquired the power within her own domain through a bloody coup, known as The Night of A Thousand Stares. Years after the dust settled and her kingdom returned to somewhat of a normalcy, she decide to take on her neighbors, starting with the smaller kingdom of Markaneva. Markaneva would have no chance in a direct conflict, so the Queen gave her orders and expected to have an easy win.   King Zyariton Nedlan though was a seasoned veteran of many wars and skirmishes, as well as possessing a sharp and cunning mind.


The armies of Zadelair gathered on the borders, just across the river Helaine. They were split into three parts: The main army outside of Lianetrin and two smaller but equal parts outside of Daimina and Emelda. Their plan was to show strength and force King Zyariton to surrender.   Markaneva on the other hand deployed the majority of their armies outside Daimina and Emelda, with a small battalion of soldiers and Rainsmiths apparently fortifying the capital. This tactic made little sense to Zadelair command which gave them pause and forced them to reconsider their plans.   The armies were camped there for not more than a day, when an emissary was sent into the capital to negotiate surrender. After almost another day passed a single Centaur rode out to the army, holding the severed head of the messenger inside a bag. Their counter proposal was to leave before the entirety of the Centaur tribes rode against them. It would seem that Markaneva had struck an alliance with them which had not been taken into consideration.


The armies of Zadelair, afraid to fight against the tribes as well as the Markanevans knowing it would delay them giving a chance to other allies of Markaneva to come to their aid, decided to send scouts over the sea into The Readraine Savannah to see if the rumors were true.   At the same time they were told that Eatakeston and Myrtale had send reinforcements which were coming through the Avonpon Peaks. This stalled their efforts even more and gave them pause.

The Engagement

The scouts at Readraine Savannah reported massive clouds of dust riding to Markaneva while the scouts in the Avonpon Peaks reported reinforcements striding through the mountains, their armors gleaming in the light.   Fearing a full scale war, rather than the skirmish they were expecting, the armies were forced to retreat back into Zadelair.


Soon after the armies of Zadelair retreated, Markaneva demanded the signing of a treaty that would allow them and the other neighboring kingdoms of Zadelair to sleep peacefully.   The treaty proposed for Zadelair to stop trying to expand, attacking neighbors or otherwise disrupt the peace. If denied, Markaneva, Eatakeston, Myrtale, the tribes of Ronta Fonterra, a regiment of Rainsmiths and others alongside Illion and Cydonia would attack Zadelair. It was signed and presented by representatives of all said factions.   Queen Nylora, defeated and not risking a war she couldn't win was forced to sign what is now known as The Nadlan Treaty. It was also found that the messenger was never harmed but rather defected to Markaneva. It seems he was a volunteer to deliver the message but his wife was Markanevan, which Zadelair command was not aware of.


It was years after, with King Zyariton in his final days, discussing his life with his biographer that the truth was known. There was no alliance with the tribes and Cydonia and Illion would never attack Zadelair. What had happened is through illusionary tactics, use of clever decoys and agreements between several kingdoms, the King made it look like he had made these alliances.   Queen Zadelair reportedly killed the messenger who reported these news to her and considered attacking again when disease took her and her successor decided to honor the treaty.

Historical Significance

King Zyariton is honored across Markaneva for his actions, saving the kingdom without a drop of blood. His actions are being taught in the Academy as a masterclass in tactics and leadership.


The Legacy of this event is important to Aell as until now the treaty is being honored by Zadelair, allowing Eatakeston, Markaneva and Myrtale to breathe having to deal only with the madness of the kingdom of Sunahver. But with the Avonpon Peaks in the way, even that is not worth mentioning as troubles.   Subsequently, being forced to work together with the other kingdoms only allowed every kingdom in the region to prosper.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Start Date
Ending Date

Cover image: by Endora Rodgers


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Aug 18, 2022 00:08

I was so ready to ask why the blood of a poor messenger means nothing to you but.... wow. So they never saw the head?   I really like to read about conflicts that end without any blood, and I like how this leads to something better.

Aug 18, 2022 12:36 by Commander Nathaniel McManus

They relied on the fact that blood seeping from the bag and disgust would be enough of a proof. Noone really wants to look at a severed head, do they? Besides there are magic effects that can apply some illusion on the bag.   Thank you for your comment :)

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