Luna Geographic Location in The Encompassing Universe | World Anvil
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Luna (loo-nuh)

Sovereign Nation (Inhabited)


Birthed from a violent encounter between Old Earth and a similar-sized planet called Theia, the moon was given life orbiting Old Earth from the debris of the encounter. Decorated with impact creators across its hard surface, it is beautiful when the light of the local star hits it. Furthermore, there are great flat spaces of land (maria) that are believed to be created from molten rock that came from the satellite's mantle coming to the surface as a result of larger impacts. There is no naturally occurring water on the satellite, though there is man-made water production.   One of the greatest-sized maria (flat land) on Luna is the Oceanus Procellraum, measuring at 2,500 km (1,600 mi) across. This is where most of The Sovereign base is.  
Gravity Gradients Frame Oceanus Procellarum by NASA/Colorado School of Mines/MIT/GSFC/Scientific Visualization Studio
The largest crater impacts have been noted to be closest to the South Pole, this doesn't necessarily mean that they are the oldest's craters though.


With no strong original atmosphere or magnetic field, the satellite is too cold and gravity lacking that no ecosystem was ever established. However, when Human's colonised the satellite they were able to establish basic human ecosystems inside curated and controlled domes. Plants and animals thrive in ecology domes, which are curated to build and support ecosystems.

Ecosystem Cycles

Life cycles lasted longer than on Old Earth and the days lasted longer due to Luna's tidally-locked orbit around Old Earth. There are maintained ecosystem's inside ecology domes, these are kept by the plants, animals and civilians who specialized in ecology keeping. These ecosystems are simulations of perfect conditions for thriving plant and animal life.

Localized Phenomena

The satellite is tidally locked with its parent planet, meaning that one side of the satellite is always facing the parent planet. There are no weather abnormalities as there is not a strong enough satellite-wide atmosphere to create any. With the automated temperature inside the civilian domes, there is no weather created either. There are weather patterns inside domes like the ecology domes to help keep healthy ecosystems.


The external temperature (outside Sovereign domes) can range from 140 °C to −171 °C, which is dependent on the location of the local star and the satellite's rotation.   Internally (inside Sovereign domes), it is the content temperature of 24°C. This is kept the same via an automated system in the security dome.

Fauna & Flora

With no naturally occurring ecology on this satellite, all of the plants and animals were introduced via The Sovereign's establishment on the satellite.  


Kept in ecology-designated domes, similar to greenhouses and nurseries, these common plants help produce oxygen for the civilisation by pumping CO2 into the designed domes and pushing out filtered O2 into the populated domes. The environment inside the ecology domes resembles perfect plant life conditions. Ferns, snake plants, pothos plants, areca plants and Chinese evergreens are the most commonly found plants in these domes due to their high oxygen output. However, these plants are accompanied by carbon dioxide-consuming plants like bamboo palm, bird's nest ferns, Dracaena and prayer plants.  


Introduced by The Sovereign, canines and felines populate civilian-populated domes. These are the most common house pets on Old Earth and so it was one by nature they would bring these animals with them for the company and also protection. Within ecology domes, there is a more diverse group of insects, birds and detritivores to help with keeping the ecosystem functioning. There are multiple-sized ecology domes, some of these specialised in beekeeping, which was proven to be the best way to help ecosystems function on Old Earth.

Natural Resources

The more abundant natural resources on Luna are starlight, oxygen and metals (iron and silicon), prior to The Sovereign establishment. These were sued in order to aid in the establishment, other commonly found metals like titanium could be used with iron to build and aluminium to help with the electric conduction. However, this time around there was an emphasis on not using non-renewable resources as primary elements; there was some learning from their past they implemented when colonising another place. There where still issues later on when it came to the over-use of natural resources, but this came closer to the end of the Sovereign reign.


The satellite was explored as part of Old Earth's space exploration, but it wasn't until the establishment of The Sovereign that it became apparent the satellite was able to become home to one of the most powerful organisations in the Solar System. In 2190, humans were being sent to Luna in order to start constructing an HQ dome, enough to support the ship of people who were heads of the Sovereign (the original Sovereign Families). It was in 2210 when the first families flew over to the satellite. Once established on Luna, it became classified as a Sovereign Nation and the first Sovereign Complex. Initial domes were expanded on and technology was created in order to send ships from the surface of Luna.


The Archive has visited Luna once in the past and became aware that the civilisation was still too underdeveloped (even outside of the off-limits age) to be reliable. Others who come to Luna are usually other Sovereign. There haven't been any outside of the Solar System visitors to this satellite.
Lunar Near Side by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Arizona State University
Alternative Name(s)
Moon, Lunar
Planetoid / Moon
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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