Summercamp Reading Challenge 23'
Wrapping Up 2023
This year I did not put much effort into my Summercamp experience due to finally obtaining a job. So, rather than the usual full list I could do like previous years, I left it at around copper.
It is mostly a result that, almost five years since the creation of the Fabulae Anthology, my world has become dense with content and answering prompts with new stuff becomes harder. Not because I lack ideas, rather it becomes tougher to fit these things in the ever-increasing mass of other ideas without either contradictions or opening a weird can of worms.
Post-Summercamp Goals
For my goals for between now and WorldEmber 2023, I'll be trying to see what I can clean up and expand upon the world I have right now. Nothing too big due to an increased workload.
I might plan further on expanding the outside realms beyond Fabulae for a while, so expect more elemental stuff and weird creatures of the Cosmic Hourglass!