Autobiography of The Greatest Document in The Library of Dulūn | World Anvil
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Autobiography of The Greatest

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WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
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This document has been contributed by Damian Uthrose, context added by the Vechian Federal Library

The "Autobiography of The Greatest", also known as the worst piece of literature ever, a waste of paper, and an abomination of print, is a book that was pushed to publication by Damian Uthrose, the son of then-president of Vechia, Sterling Uthrose. Due to his father's position, Damian was able to force publishers to go through with releasing his book, refusing to use any editors or beta readers. For the remaining duration of his father's career as president of Vechia, his father received a major hit to his public image and his connection to the Vechian people, and was not reelected for another term. Afterwards, Sterling Uthrose and his son were never seen together in public again, and it is said that former president Uthrose cut off and disowned his son due to the book. However, Damian would go on to run for president himself (a race which he lost), and misuse the remaininder of his fortune. Little is known of what happened to him afterwards.

Historical Details


The author of this book, Damian Uthrose, was incredibly spoiled growing up. The middle child in his family, he was raised well and got basically everything he wanted. He wasn't very smart, which led to kids bullying him in school. Pitying him, his parents would tell him that they were just jealous of him, and that he would surpass them and then they would regret their words. Damian would hear this and take it to heart, and eventually this concept twisted into him genuinely thinking that he was better than everyone else around him. This, combined with him getting almost everything that he wanted growing up, resulted in him thinking the world genuinely revolved around him. So, when he decided to write a book, he had the resources to get it published as quickly as possible, and it ran to print before anyone other than Damian was able to even read the introduction paragraph. Perhaps, if he had first shown it to his father, the book would have never been published.
Self Portrait of Damian Uthrose by notahumanhand


Shortly after the book was released, Sterling Uthrose learned of his son's book and purchased a copy. However, before he got the chance to even open it, he began to face its consequences. He learned of the public's reception of the book, prompting him to open it and be horrified at what he saw. He ordered an immediate recall of all books that had made it to booksellers and libraries, but at that point, it was far too late. Though bookstores were pressured to get rid of all of their copies, people had already begun to purchase the book, and copies were made as soon as people caught wind of the fact that it was now becoming rare.

Public Reaction

There was an immediate and strong negative reaction to Damian's autobiography, as people read it and saw how spoiled and egotistical Damian was. They laid most of the blame for this on his parents, and especially his father, as a public government figure. This would cause Sterling to lose his reelection campaign, which he would blame his son for. When Damian and his father became estranged, the public's opinion of them only became more negative, as they saw Sterling as "only trying to save face" rather than fixing the issues that his son clearly had.
Book, Autobiography


Absolutely Horrible

This is genuinely the worst piece of literature I have ever read, and likely the worst I will ever read. I cannot give this book the review that it deserves, I don't even have the vocabulary to describe just how horrible it is.

Incoherent Trash

This book contradicted itself multiple times, the author is full of himself, and there were multiple paragraphs and even pages of incoherent babbling. I think I took actual mental damage from reading this.

Worst Thing I've Ever Read

What in the nine godsdamned hells is this book. They say that writing should invoke an emotion, but I'll argue that if that emotion is pure, unadulterated rage, maybe set the quill down and reconsider your profession.

Good For Kindling

The only beneficial use I can see for this book is as extra kindling to keep warm in the winter. I feel bad for the trees that were cut down in order to make this. This book is not worth the paper that it was printed on.

My 5-Year-Old Writes Better

I'm convinced that the author needs to be institutionalised for this abomination. I have no words for how bad this is. For the son of the president? He should be ashamed that he let this get published.

Cast it Into the Hells

I do not want to be on the same plane of existence as this book. Horrible advice, grating writing, hypocritic tips. I'm less upset at the author, and more upset at his father for raising such a horrendous child.

Don't Read This

If you value your sanity, there is something that I cannot recommend enough: DO NOT read this book. I can feel my brain leaking out of my pores. What in the unholy hells is this. I need time to recover.


The author could not think more highly of himself, and all of this confidence is entirely misplaced. Maybe he should spend less time writing a book and more time learning what a sentence is.

What Did I Just Read?

Not a single coherent sentence can be found in this book. This reads as though someone got high and started rambling about their life for hours. Not to mention the ego seeping from every. single. page. Gross.


I only got a page or two into this book before I had to DNF. No paragraph breaks, detestable grammar, and an ego larger than a stack of 50 of these trash books.

I'd Rather Eat Gravel

I was gifted this book as a joke, and upon skimming it, I have come to the conclusion that I'd rather eat gravel than read it all the way through.

Heavily Disappointed

I voted for President Uthrose, and I could not be more disappointed in his actions. I don't understand why he would allow his son to publish this.

Autobiography of The Greatest


When i was born i was always known that i would be great. It was me and my dad and my mother, and we had lived in good conditions generally. Though it was me and my older brother did always tell me, "you are gonna be thre greatest', and then i did. I would tell you that if you want to be great, then you should rely on your family. family is very important, and it was one of the things that got me to where i am. And I would consider myself the backbone of my family. When my dad said that he wanted to run to be the presented, I encouraged him. He said to me one day, he told me: " i would not be where I am if you were not there for me like that". And he was right, but also in the other direction. I know that if it were not for his supprot, I would not be where I am either. Though careful study and intense management, you to can be where I am.

When i Was born

When i was born, we lived in the foothills. We were comfortable, but we were not too well off. I knew that we could go to better than where we were, and my father knew it too. My father, the great Sterling Utrose, was married to my mother, the little known Stella Morgan (she was called Stella Utrose after she married but her unmarried name is who she was before). (an unmarried name is when you have a name before you get married but then you change your name to the name of your husband when you get married, she told me). Then when i was born, she had to get some kind of surgery. I think it was that my brain was too big for my head, and so i had to get special care because i was too smart for the people working at the temple where i was born. I know that when i was born, there was a star overhead. this was the sign from the gods that i was going to be the greatest baby of my generation. I didnt want to be born into greatness, but it is what happened to me. But you need to use what you have and the resources you have access to. You need to rely fully on yourself because you are the only thing that you can rely fully on. That's what it means to be self-suficient, and it what is your need to be independent. When youre independent then you can do the things that you want to do, and this is how you can be great. I knew all of when i was a child, that i knew i needed to achieve what i needed to achieve. this is how you get ahead. But that's not how it all started. I wanted to tell people that when you are born, you are born with a blank slate ahead of you, you need to carve your path into the world. when I was born, i did this, and this got me where i am today.

my chidlhood

When i grew up, there was my father, my brother, my mom, and me. Then my younger sister came later. My dad and i got along pretty well, but he was busy as he was in the government and stuff. There was not a day when I wanted to not talk in communication with him, and he didn't because he would set aside time in his day always to talk to me and my brother and sister. He wanted to make sure we grow up with the best, to be self-suficient and to have the best in our own in life. We did not want to be the horrible rich kids he didn't want us to be spoiled, so he made us earn things instead. we needed to make our own money and our career, and this is where he said to me. Then he wanted me and my brother and my sister to be able to act on her own. From the youngest age, we knew that we needed to be what we had to do, and so when we grew up playing games and stuff, it was all to in service of our greatest accomplishment. My brother he did not want to take any nonsense, he did what he did because he did it. My brother and me would play things like the game where you strategise, and this is because we needed to think to do it. I didn't win all the games, but i won a lot of the games and this is not the way that I would do things. I let him win because this is important. I let him win so that he would build his confindence. because I knew that it was the best for him to be growing his brain just as much as he was growing mine. I need to be strong in mental as well as physical terms, and so this is what i would manoeuvre. I knew the benefication of this would outweight the antipathetic. So this is what i did. And with my sister too, we would play the games with throwing or catching, and then when she would score, i would cheer her on because i knew that her success was not as great as my success. and so I did the best when I was treating my siblings as siblings, so when we were adults we remained close. My mom and dad did the best they could for us, and so my mom went off after we were born againt to get more occupation, and so we didn't do what we couldn't and we did do what we could. But this is not the crux of the childhoods that we had. When we grew up we did the best of the matter so that when we were adults we could benefit the best from our good things in when we were kids. This wasn't what was the most important though. Like my dad would always say, we need to make connections and connect with other people. In the words of the ones that we would make friends with in childhood, we were friends. But in the words of myself I knew that it was how I would be the best, how I would elevate, how i would be the greatest and in my career I would enhance. This is the key. to the every progress that I made, it was because of my ability to talk to other people and get things from them. Becuase they did the best they could for me only because I knew that it was the best for me. So that they would be connected to what everyone knew was always going to be the best. And so the lesson of this chapter is that this is what you need to do in order to be who you always wanted to be, this is the best way to do it, is to get to talk. To all of the people that will make your dreams in motion to happen. That's why its always good to be that. Person to always talk to in parties, person to always be in the centre of the room, when you want to shine you will shine because you are scintillating. And thats the nature of it, in essence, and this is the lessons that i would always learn through all of the trials and ributlations of my childhood that happened. So when my brother became a lawyer, i was prepared, because I had always been in his ear, that's because why he wanted to do things for me now. and so i wanted to do the best for him so that in the future the payoff. And so when I was growing up the best of my ability in school, and in the neighbourhood, and in the rest of the town where we lived, and so that we could talk to people when i did. I was the popular person in our school, and in all of the clubs that i was in, everyone wanted to be my friend because the friends were all friends with me, and that everyone knew me and not my brother or my sister. But i was always kind to them because i am a good person, and i could of abused my power but i did not, and i could of been the meanest, but instead i was the kindest, and the greatest. The sports teams that i was applying for the best of the team, I was captain! of all of the teams, in fact, this was the best of my childhood. This is when I was always in charge of the teams, and my coach told me, you are gonna be the greatest of the nation, and I knew that it was gonna be true too, because that's what he told me and my dad. and so when i was the coach next thats what i always told myself. then i was in charge of all of the teams because they just all knew my greatness. But this want where I wanted to be. No, i was destined for much more, so i strived for so much more. And when i got to better school i studied hard to pass my classes. This when was my father's rise in the president, to become leader of Vechia. I was supporting him the whole way, and his becoming president he attributed to his family, but i know that he was about me. This is what led me to do well in school, when we switched to a better school where the teachers got me and understood the greatness that i was talking to them, so I did the best thing that i could and that was success, success, success, and thats how i got to graduating, when i did. Then when my dad was reelected then i did'nt hesitate to be the one supporting him, and i did. The haters would say that i didnt get to where i did when i did but that is because they didnt care and they were jealous because they knew that i was the best. and so then i got into adulthood because that's what i did.

Becoming the Best Adult

I was growing up obviously i was good, but i was gonna become better and all the haters would see what i had done to outdone them then. It was the best way to see the look in the haters eyes because they knew they could never surpass what i did and this made them mad, and so this is what i did. i was mercyful on the haters, i gave them my best kindness, instead of being a hater back at them, because the negative cycle of hate and hating each other was not going to be good. you introduce that into the world and it never goes away, but i wanted it to go away. and the haters left because i knew they would never be the nice kind and greatness that was me. so then when they tried to come back to make friends after my success, i told them that they lost their chance to earn their place, but they could prove that they were better than what they were, and they were not haters anymore. they knew that i was talking the truth, that what i was saying was the lifestyle that they had to take on in order to be more like me. because thats what they wanted, they wanted to be just like me, because they saw my success and they saw that i knew what i was doing and they also wanted to go that direction of their life, this is what they said. this is why i gave them the opportunities that i never had, because i knew that they werent great like me, they couldnt take advantage of their greatness like i did, they were not born with that ambition inside of them like i had grown up all of my childhood with. and so that the haters did not want to be the best at what was me, and that was why i gave them the choice to be that. thats why then i did not have the haters. thats why i got to where i am, because then everyone would like me, and the people who did not like me i did not talk to, because they did not like me and thats what the best of the parts is. The true force of it all was that i never did anything bad to them, even though they did bad things to think at me, and to think of me, and to tell of me, they always wanted to tear me down until they didn't and so i deserved what they did not and so i got ahead in my life rather than behind. When you spend time thinking down on other people thats what happens, when you focus to much on someone else thats what will get you, that you dont take the time to look at your own and advance the way to you need to go. thats what it is. but that's not the greatest point of them all, unlike what they were going to tell me, was the best of the way that i went, that they did not, when you ignore the haters then they go away but thats not what they want, they want to take away your accomplishments but you know that they cannot, the best they can do is hope for you to listen to them and go away your own self, but you cannot let that happen, you cannot let them get to you. You do like what i did and you highten your head high and so you cannot be touched because you know you cannot be touched. They bring to you hate and you bring to them forgiveness, they do not expect your forgiveness, they expect you to go back at them, but you cant give them what they want. If you tell them to be nice then they will because they forget how to not be nice because you show them what resplendent it is to be nice to other people, you tell them to be different because you know thats what they can be, even though they can never reach what you want to reach this is what you tell them. you tell them i know you. i know your types, the types of people you hang around, and i know how you can be better. not as good as me of course but thats not the whole point is that you can be the best that you can be and not the best that i can be and so thats what i can be instead. Because that's what the good thing to do is, and i am good. I am a good person, whcih is why i can get so far in life, where other people might not get as far because they are not as good of people as i am, or not as good as people, this is what life is. So i think that if i were not not be as good as the next person then is not the best as me compared to him, thats what life is. So through my adult life this is what i do, i do the things that i can do to become better people for other people. Then when the other people listen to me they know that i am great and because i am great they should listen to what i say when and do it because they know they become like me to become the kind of great that i am, this is how they know that they will succeed, and because they succeed, they think that they will be like me when they will they just wont be exactly like me because i came first and so i am the greatest at what i do, in their eyes at least, because this is the mindset.

The Mindset

And so so many people are like to me, how do i be like you? and i say that its all about the mindset. the mindset is what gets to you, thats what controls how you be. and thats what i need to be to be like that, its the mindset. but what is the mindset? thats the most important part of how you need to be to get to where you are wanting to get to to go be. thats how it works, and the way that it works is to be the best that it can be, thats how the creation of the things goes at least, when you know that you need to be how you are, thats what you want to be. So then the mindset comes into play. how do you think of yourself. thats not a question, that is a statement. a statement that you have to ask yourself every day, where do you want to be, thats the question, and the answer is never here. the answer is always there. that how you have to think about it, its not where am i going, its where am i going to get to when i get to where i am going. some will say its not about the journey, its about the destination, its not about the destination but the journey we made along the way, but all of it is not the way you should think about it, no. its the journey and the destination, they are equally important, thats how you do it, you need to think about it the way that you will go and the way that you will do it just as equally as the way that you think that you cannot do it, when you do, and when you get there, thats the important bit, that you get there. but to think about it that way, you have to reform you mind, you have to change the way you think. i had to change the way i think. When i think its about the ways that i think, not that i thought, but when you think then you know that you have to do it. thats how i did it. and then when you get to the point where you are able to think that way but really what it is is that its the mindset of it all. you know that you gotta grow and you gotta get better than all of the haters, thats for one. then you know that you need to be the best of what you truly want to be, and all of it can be the way you want it to be. you cant let that get you down, of course. when you tell them what you mean you have to really mean it, otherwise you wont mentally mean it, and if you dont mean it you dont do it. thats another thing i learned from my dad, its all in the mindset. Thats why you gotta do it that way. If you think that you can do it, thats how you do it, and thats the essence of mindset. Thats how you end up like me, i can tell you thats its nothing without the mindset. if my mind wasnt on par with my intelligence and strength and kindness and greatness and humility and destiny then the minset wasnt there? Then i would'nt have made it, thats all. Id be somewhere else because I didn't do what i wanted to do, because i didnt think i could do it, because I thought that i couldn't do better than where i was. But i did, so i am, and here i am at the heart of it all is the thing that the mindset cant control all of you. you need to make sure that you know what youre doing. you fake it till you make it, they say, but if you cant fake it, you just make it. thats the mindset. But when you really think about it, what does this all mean? How do you get to it, really? And its like a muscle, you work out like that, because when you think thats how you think about it. and the more you think about it the more that you know what youre doing, and so the closer you get to the mindset. But really you have to ask of yourself, can you get there? can you get there? can you get there? If the answer is no, then you don't have the mindset. But if the answer is yes, you know you can get there. You know that you can get there. you know that you can get there. But how? You just know it, in your mind. it is set in your mind. That's how you do it. thats how you get into the mindset, and thats why its called the mindset, because its set into your mind. But you gotta think about it first. to be honest, i wasnt initially had the mindset. I had to think about it a bit first. Well, to be honest, i had to think about it a lot first. I had to perfect my mindset. because thats the thing about the mindset, it has to be personal to you. You gotta know how it relates to your own goals, right? Becuase you cant just look at someone elses goals and go, i wanna do that guys goals. no. thats not good, because then its not your goals, you dont motivate for it, like you would. when you have your own goals. thats it. it needs to be to you as the goals are all to yourself and so you need to make it all about yourself. they say that the world doesnt revolve around you? Well you need to make it. Thats why you need to make it, if you get the others to revolve around you then thats how you succeed. If its not? then thats not how you succeed. but that doesnt mean you give up, not that at all. you gotta find another way to succeed, if its not like that, then its like something esle. to be honest i dont really know that what else that it would be but i know that you can find it because i know that i did find it, and thats when it really clicked for me, and i said to myself, hey! this mindset is really whats working for me! thats how i do it! and i do. thats how i know that it worked for me, is because thats what i did, and it was like all of what i was doing what what i wanted to come to life and it all did, vitality. Thtats what you have to think about it then it was. all in one. BOOM. Thats how you do it. And i did. So the mindset is that you need to have your mind, set. its like a race, like you can think of it as a race. ready, set, GO. Its the set part, which is very important. The ready part is that you get ready. this is very important. you need to get ready before you ever get set. if you dont get ready then you wont be ready to start, which is really why it should be that like that like it is. than so thats what you need to do, you need to get ready. but when you get ready you need to make sure that you are all ready and that you know that youre are all the ready that you can be before you set yourself, like that youre set. and everyone things that the GO is the most important part, but really its not. what the important part is is that you need to set, but when you go, thats when you go. thats what youre aiming for. the ready and the set are all leading up to the go, but in order to go, you need to ready and then set yourself. but when you go, youre all ahead, thats when you just go, straight ahead, you keep facing forward and you shoot forward, but all of that is dependent on your set, on your MIND set, on your mindset. thats what ive been telling you, all this time. is that in order to GO, you need to first ready your mind, and get it set. and the set is the most important part, like my dad would always say. hed say you gotta set the table, and i know, i know that he was telling us, he was telling me to get my mind set. that i had to get my mind set to be successful. and to be clear and to be fair that is all of it is the mind set. the set is that you are already ready, but you are prepared. you know what is gonna happen, and you know how you are gonna react when you gotta GO, thats when you just GO, and you are ready and set before everyone else is because you know that you get the mindset, and thats when you go. and then comes the most important part, the GO. You go, and then you are on the way to getting where you want to finish. in that way, its like a race of life, the race of life is how you do things. you ready, set, GO, and then if you do that, you will always get there, you will get to the finish line before all the others and you can show the haters what that really means.

The race Of Life

so then you know that you want to get there. thats really it. you know where you are going at this point, you know where you are going to go, and so you know where you want to be and all of it clicks into place like it all goes correctly into the right places of all of it, thats how you get to it in the way that you want to do. Really its not that hard. because you did the work of the ready, set, GO, thats how you do the rest of it, you rely on it, you rely on your coach. as well. Your coaches? those are your parents, your friends, all those connections you made, think back to the previous chapter, where i said i connected then that was all the conenctions, that i had, thats what you do. you make all these talking to other people is how you do it, when you want to go in your race, those are your coaches, the childhood is the ready, and then you mindset, thats how you need to think about it anyways. But thats not the way i think about it. i think about it as the teammates, the coaches, the competitors, theyre all the same people. ever think about how the word coaches and the word roaches are all the same spelling but the r and the c are swapped around and misplaced? thats how it really is, because you never know who is gonna be your friend and who is gonna be your enemy, so that you know what you need to do, thats really what you need to do, thats how you need to do it, when you do, you know that they are they. but they cant know that you know, because that gives them a chance to get back ahead of you. you know that you are needing to get ahead of them, you do that swiftly and you do that in the way that they know that you will be there but not in a way that threatens them, that they do not feel as threatened as though if you were to actually threaten them. There isnt that way to think about it than them, because you know that you are smarter than them. thats how it really is, to be honest, thats how they dont think that it is but it is because you know it. when it really is the best that you can do it, then they dont need to do that, you have to hide it from them so that they underestimate, you, and when they do, you can take them all by surprise so that they dont know what you did to shake them off of your tail, when really thats the secret, thats all you need to do, is that you need to take it all and off of it is the way that you do it really, thats what it is. when you know that you need to do it, thats how you do it all. but then you think about it, really. are they your friends? are they not? you never know. i would have been assassinated if thats the way i thought, so i didnt, that i know that i can be great with or without the people that i know, that the way that i made it is really the only way that you have to think about it. when you think that the way that you know isnt the way that you really know, that can be harmfull, so you dont do that, its full of harm. thats why its called harmfull. thats why it needs to be dangerous, because thats not how you think, it isnt what you do, you gotta work for it and its not just given all to you all about it. you know that they are all in the way of it all, thats not what it really means, right? and youre right, thats how the whole thing works anyways. but its not. if this is confusing, thats good, you should be confused because greatness is confusing. im confused all of the time, but i dont let that stop me, because i know that the confusion just means that im making it, its just a sign of all of my greatness that i know is my destiny. Really its just that simple. thats how you know that its not simple.

the methods and the Pirncinples

That a lot of people say to me, hey what are your pinsiples. and so what i tell them, its the prinspel of it all. thats what it really, is. that your prinsicples are chains they chain you to the past, to the light, to what you are doing, to stagnant, thats what it really is. your prinsipels will end up just chaining you down and blocking you from all of your desires. you gotta break the chains, you have to progress and improve when you know that there is no way to do it. when somethings chaining you down you gotta just let go, no matter what it is, thats how it is, thats how you know, thats now how you do what you need to do, you ignore the chains, you break the chains, you fashion the chans into the weapons that you need to facillatate everything that you want to do, thats what you do with it, because you know, you can just weaponise everything, thats how you do it, and you know, thats hwat you want to do it, all. thats the prineinslpe. but how do you do it? thats what i was talking about with the chains. you break them, but you dont get rid of them, you use them, like you would use them, like a weapon, to protect yourself, to get ahead, thats how you do it. but do you think thats fair? it isnt, thats the right answer, but to know that it isnt fair you have to really look at it all from a big lense. who is it not fair to? who isnt the right that you would know? who is wrong in all of it? well its the people who dont look ahead, who allow themselves to be chained down. they scream that it isnt fair for all the world to hear but they wont do their own work to break their chains, to make sure that they can do it the way i did it. they whine and the complain, but they dont take action. in order to take action you need to really know what youre doing, if you dont, you need to figure it out first. i did what i did to take action for myself and i got ahead. but because these people refuse to make it ahead they wont, they dont think they will so they wont, the dont have the mindset so they dont, thats why they need to think the way i think. if everyone did this, if everyone would think the way i think, then we would all be great. we would be as great as i am, or maybe not as great as i am, but they would be close. but unfortunately theres arent very many people that think the way that i do, which is why i am writing this book, because i know that they know that they need too, but they dont know and they refuse to know, thats really the problem. so that i hope and i know that when people read this book they will go, hmm, i didnt think of it that way! thanks for showing the mindset and me the princiapls. and i know that you are saying this as you read because your ead by work, and so thats how i know you are now on board. its not really what you are able to do because i started so much earlier than you but i am kind enough to share what i am able to do in the way that most people are not able to share because it is my destiny to have made this great of a platform in the way that i do it.

We do it

so now that you have read the book you need to go do what the book says to do, that is what i say, and to say that, i need to know what i did to know what i read, which i did, thats what the book is all about, and so if i tell you , then you know that its what im talking about because thats how you have to think about it. now that you know my life, you know why i am where i am, which is why i became what i am, and i know that i am greatness but really i am a person just like you, but you just dont think of me as one because you know that fundementally that i am better than you. but i am telling you that you dont have to think of me that way. this is an autobiography, and this is how my life has went, but this can also be how your life will go if you follow the same way that i did. i paved the way for greatness, and then all you have to do is follow. of course you wont get to the same level as me but thats the cause when youre a trend setter, you set the trends and then you are on top of them. for my father it is politics, for my mom it is fashion, for my brother it is the law, for my sister it is faith, but for me it is life. i know the way that life is, and this knowledge is how i got them to where they are, and how they got me to where i am. and so in order for this to be their way, thats how they do it, it all is the way that they want it to be because thats how they want it to be and its the same way that i am. thats how this book can help you, if you are open to the knowledge that i have been important to you. In that way you know it is. and the reason that you can know what it is is that this book has helped you to open your mind to the whole way, and thats how you make it. when you really think about it do you think thats all the way of it being what it is? no, of course not, but you have to. thats the mindset that we all think of, because we think that we know what we do is what we all want to be. that really what it is is that we need to be all different things, but we can all still be greatness in the way that i was the first of the time to do this. to be real, this isnt even the whole of it, because if i were to put that in a book, then that would be way to long which would defeat the point because then no one would read it, and there would be no change. and the way that it goes is that it never goes the way that you want, so sometimes you have to make sacrifices. and to win you have to lose, but i have never lose unless its the way i want the other person to win so that they can build their mind like i know that i did. thats really how you know that i am great. But to be real thats not the all of it. i need to know how to do things like everyone else, but of all of that the truth is that i am just built better, and thats a difference. but i hope that when i am able to share this knowledge here with you that you will take it as the reader and you will know and learn how to put it all into good use because thats what i would want, i would want you to take something out of the whole thing as a way that you think would be the best. thats all that it really is in that way, but not in the way that you would think. you take it out of the box, and it examples the mindset in the way that you would want it to, you know its working. the way that you think you can change, but you can never change how your mind works. unless you put in incredible work, which is impressive. it is what me myself did and thats how i got here, all from my own ability to do what i needed to do and to go where i needed to go to get where i needed to be. thats how i got there, and thats how you can get here to. Then what you really need to do is what all of us need to do, and thats to become the person that you need to be. like me. thats what they really mean, anyway. when the haters come for you then you gotta hold strong and then thats why you are better than them. you can become better than youve ever been and it can be all because of this book, because you know how to change your mindset, of your prsenipels. Thats really all there is too it, of it all.


thank you for reading my book, i know that i have done you a great service by writing it, but i am generous and i will thank you for it, because i know that now that you know what you are doing, that you can change to be better, to be greater, and to think the way that you need to get into the mindset. Really when you need to do it you need to get into the best mindset, and thats how this book will help you. if you need to read it again thats ok. i would say that you should read this book at least once a month so that you can be reminded yourself of what you needed to do, really thats it, its that simple. i know its difficult but its simple. you can do it, because i did it.

Cover image: Books by Emily


Author's Notes

This article was created for Hanhula's Worst of World Anvil April unofficial challenge!

WAWAA 2024: Worst of World Anvil April 2024
Generic article | Apr 1, 2024

let's write some truly dire stuff for april 2024

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Apr 1, 2024 05:43 by Zannazook læ Gnom

Wow ! Love the concept but how much of a masochist are you to inflict you such a painful work !? x'D

Apr 2, 2024 14:40 by spleen

At least I get to take some solace in the fact that i can share this monstrosity with others xD

Have a wonderful day!
Apr 1, 2024 06:11 by Han

I'M SO PROUD minor critique: the css is too readable

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Apr 2, 2024 14:39 by spleen

Thank you! and youre so right i should give the book an obnoxious font or something

Have a wonderful day!
Apr 1, 2024 08:10 by Mochi

...jesus christ             can I get Damian's autograph please

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.
Apr 2, 2024 16:00 by spleen

haha he'd be glad to give you a signed copy! it's totally understandable that you'd want one, because he's the greatest and all, and of course out of the generosity of his heart he'd be willing to give you a signed copy for the low (and entirely reasonable) cost of 100 gold!

Have a wonderful day!
Apr 4, 2024 15:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'i know that i have done you a great service by writing it, but i am generous and i will thank you for it'   Me every time I write an article.   For real, though, my favourite bits are the reviews. XD

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Apr 4, 2024 16:26 by spleen

thank you! i had so much fun writing the reviews xD

Have a wonderful day!
Apr 8, 2024 15:04 by Jacqueline Yang

Review by Jacqueline Yang -- WHAT THE FRICK. You know, originally I thought it wasn't going to be so bad. I mean, maybe the sentence structure will be off, possibly some weird and/or funny typos, but I can handle that, right? After all, I have read some pretty bad FanFiction.......................   I have wasted about 20 minutes of my life reading the most discombobulated work. I still have no idea what I just read. At first, I thought there could be some deeper message hidden among the giant mess of run-on sentence, misplaced phrases, and hilarious ego; but I was greatly mistaken.   It really is as bad as the other reviews say it is. Please take this as a warning to anyone who wishes to read this work.

Apr 8, 2024 15:27 by spleen

Haha thank you, this made me laugh! xD

Have a wonderful day!