the journal and notes of Droffilc the grand cartographer Document in the scattered lands | World Anvil
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the journal and notes of Droffilc the grand cartographer

Droffilc the grand cartographer is the one of the cartographers that mapped the entire continent the other one was his twin brother that helped him. while on his travels he kept a journal and notes. his notes where scholastic stuff and observations of the land and other geographical features sometimes he would right about the temperature of the areas and other things like that. it also had all of the maps of the small regions that he would eventually make into his large map of the entire continent. this mostly contained stuff from the northern half of the continent because his brother went to the south. his diary he started young when he got the idea and vision to map the world and it talks about his family how annoying his twin brother is sometimes and how grateful he is of his parents. he also talked about his adventures as a youth and what he did. he then went on about his competition with his brother and his adventures as a cartographer he would talk about the exciting things he found and he would sketch beautiful sights he saw. he would also talk about how he thought he was going to have found a lot of cooler stuff than his brother and he often bragged about it in his journal. after time though he started talking about how he missed his brother and how excited he was to see him when they were finished with his grand adventure. he eventual went home and saw his brother again and he was excited to catch up with him and talk about all the cool things he had seen. then he talked about his work on the map of the continent and how he like having company on his travels and then he finished his journal.

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