Korradi Species in The Seven Quäenaï | World Anvil
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Korradi are draconic animals that can adapt to most environments. They have been found in deserts, mountains, plains, forests, rivers, caves, and many others. They were long ago domesticated, although wild korradi can be found.  


  Korradi have a long, scaly body, with four short limbs. They have two pairs of wings, a long neck, and a wedge-shaped head. They have six upward curving horns, three on either side of their face. Their long tail has a leaf-shaped scale on the end of it, which is sometimes used as a weapon. They have long fangs, and their bite is venomous. A line of short spikes runs from the base of their head all the way down to the end of their tail.   A korrad's wings are used for walking as well as flying, the hand-like appendage on the second joint of the wing-finger being used as support for the other four feet. They have a natural dip between their wings, which is a good place to put a saddle.   Korradi vary in colour, and could be red, orange, green, blue, purple, grey, and black. Most shades of these colours are possible, although korradi generally have darker scales. Extremely rarely, it is possible to find a white korradi. White korradi are revered by the Bellun, and a mark of authority among their culture is often a necklace or bracelet of white korradi scales.  


  A Bellun tribe would often possess several korradi, to use for riding and carrying goods, which they would tie to the spikes on the korradi's back. They believed themselves to be linked to the korradi, and took extremely good care of them.   The criminal organization Deathwatch also owned a group of korradi, and used them in aerial raids, utilizing their poisionous bite and other natural defenses; hard scales, claws, horns, pointed tail. After Deathwatch's defeat, the korradi were set free and roamed Kárydir until they died.

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